The Government’s Big Commitment Ensures Development in Papua Continues

The government under President Jokowi continues to be committed to developing Papua through various strategic infrastructure to connect remote areas. As part of efforts to increase development in the region, various programs have been implemented. Development is aimed at equal distribution of infrastructure as well as a commitment to reach remote areas that were previously difficult to reach. All development efforts are a concrete manifestation of the presence of a government that is fully committed to accelerating development in the Land of Papua, and all of it specifically for the progress and welfare of the community.

Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) Papua, Moudy Hermawan, said that throughout 2023 the Ministry of Finance has distributed a budget for the Healthy Papua program worth IDR. 232 billion. This distribution is through vertical Work Units (Satker) and transfers to the regions. According to him, this amount is still being added to by the distribution of Special Autonomy (Otsus) funds which reached Rp. 8.80 trillion. 

With this specificity, it is hoped that all work units in Papua, especially partners at the Jayapura State Treasury Services Office (KPPN), will make programs referring to national policies. He explained that apart from having to be guided by the Master Plan for Development Acceleration (RIPP), the distribution of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) will be more linear. Currently,  a special guideline  for accelerating Papua’s development has been contained in Presidential Decree 24 of 2023 concerning RIPP Papua 2022-2041 which consists of three main missions, namely, realizing a Healthy, Smart and Productive Papua. 

The government continues to make various commitments to prosperity so that Papua’s development can be effective and reach all levels of society. That way, justice in Papua will be realized and the easternmost region of Indonesia will be equal to other regions, especially the island of Java. 

Although progress has been made, there is still much work that needs to be done to improve the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua. Some of the main obstacles involve geographic, social, economic and political aspects. 

Previously, there was inequality in development in Papua with other regions. These factors involve infrastructure, access to education, health, and economic empowerment. Solving this problem requires a holistic approach involving community participation, cross-sector coordination, and policies that take into account local needs and aspirations. The government continues to strive to overcome these obstacles in order to advance development in Papua. By overcoming this inequality, it is hoped that the welfare of the Papuan people can be improved.

The Acting Governor of West Papua, Drs H Ali Baham Temongmere MTP, said that economic growth and justice must be realized. Economic growth and justice cannot be realized if it does not involve remote areas, outskirts and valleys in Papua. Don’t let future generations only tell stories about the fertility and beauty of Papua in the past, while they live on barren land because forests and nature are damaged. 

The government is currently focusing on encouraging the development of local economic sectors in Papua such as agriculture, fisheries and creative industries. In addition, it continues to provide skills training and support for small and medium businesses in Papua. It is hoped that this program will run well along with improvements in infrastructure and health services in Papua. In the future, economic growth, health and education in Papua will grow together and improve people’s living standards. 

Young Papuan figure, Steve Mara, said that development in Papua needs to continue so that Papua is not only a geographical part of Indonesia, but also an integral part of the country’s identity and sovereignty. Despite special challenges such as difficult geographic conditions and different cultures, the government is expected to continue working hard to overcome these challenges and improve infrastructure in a sustainable manner. 

In the future, this development is believed to have positive impacts, such as improving the quality of life of the population and opening up greater economic opportunities in the region. Sustainable steps and synergy between the government, private sector and local communities are the key to realizing inclusive and sustainable development in Papua.

Apart from that, collaborating with the private sector and non-governmental organizations in development projects or initiative projects in the field of improving welfare can certainly increase the available resources and expertise. This is important so that the goals of fair and sustainable welfare can be achieved. 

Support from various parties, both government and society, is an important capital in implementing policies to accelerate Papua’s development. With a shared commitment, Papua can become an example of success in sustainable and inclusive development, ensuring prosperity for the entire community and a much brighter future for Papua. 

Realizing prosperity in Papua requires long-term commitment, active community participation, and a sustainable development approach. This commitment will provide solutions and real contributions in answering the challenges of advancing Papua, to welcome the Golden Indonesia 2045.

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