The Importance of the Active Role of Community Leaders Invites Citizens to Prevent Radicalism Ahead of Elections

By : Arzan Malik Narendra )* 

Ahead of the 2024 elections, security needs to be tightened because there is a potential for attacks from radical groups. To prevent the spread of radicalism, community leaders are expected to play an active role in inviting residents to avoid these dangerous thoughts. They appealed to no people to become sympathizers or even members of radical groups.

It’s actually the election campaign period and there is increasing vigilance to prevent various things that have the potential to thwart it, including radicalism. Radicals hate the election because they don’t recognize the Indonesian government, and are trying hard to keep the program from succeeding. Attacks are carried out both in the real world and in cyberspace.

To prevent the spread of radicalism ahead of the 2024 elections, it is hoped that community leaders will take part in campaigning for anti-terrorism and radicalism movements. 

The Banjar Regency National Unity and Politics Agency (Kesbangpol) held a Community Facilitation activity in Countering Radicalism and Hoax News to Support the 2024 Election, in the Hall of the Kertak Hanyar District Office. The activity was opened by the Head of the Banjar Regency Kesbangpol Agency, Safrin Noor, and was attended by employees in Kertak Hanyar District, religious leaders and community leaders.

Head of Kesbangpol Banjar Safrin Noor stressed that if left unchecked, radicalism and hoax news could harm and harm society. Radicalism is currently mostly directed at religious groups who like violence because radicalism is a hard ideology or flow through religious channels that aims to change the social and political order by means of violence.

In a sense, radicalism can harm society because violence will occur everywhere. Whereas violence will create a heated atmosphere and make the election no longer peaceful. Therefore, people are urged to avoid radicalism by counteracting hoax news and propaganda.

Then, community leaders also campaigned for peaceful elections and anti-radicalism. They play an important role because their words will be obeyed by the people. If community leaders actively broadcast anti-radicalism movements, then no Indonesian people would become members of radical groups. As a result, the 2024 elections will take place peacefully and smoothly without any interference from radical groups.

Meanwhile, the Head of Information and Public Communications, Diskominfo, Banjar Muhari, spoke about radicalism and hoax news. The characteristics of radicalism are claiming a single truth and misleading other groups who have different opinions, complicating the procedures for something like religion and other characteristics being excessive in religious rituals that are not in place.

Meanwhile, the characteristics of hoaxes are information that causes anxiety, hatred and hostility. Unclear news sources filled with fanaticism in the name of ideology, titles and introductions that are provocative and condemn and hide facts and data.

Muhari added, preventing hoaxes and radicalism can be done in a number of ways. The General Election Commission (KPU) can convey or educate the public to read, watch, listen and look for references to news on radio and TV as a comparison.

Members of radical groups are currently also spread across cyberspace and deliberately create special sites and accounts on social media. Their goal is to spread radicalism, terrorism and thwart the 2024 elections. 

Therefore, community leaders also urge their citizens to be aware of various threats of intolerance ahead of the 2024 General Election which can later lead to identity politics. Don’t let them become intolerant and radical because this could make the election campaign even hotter.

In order to prevent the entry and development of radicalism in the Salatiga region, it is necessary to be active in getting closer to community leaders, religious leaders and community members, as seen when the Kalibening Bhabinkamtibmas Aipda Rediyanto carried out visits and hospitality at the residence of H. Ahmad Zuhri, a Kalibening community figure, Thursday 24 August 2023.

On this occasion, community leaders and ulama were asked to work together to prevent the development of radicalism, convey understanding and prevent hoaxes that could divide religious harmony and the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, so that harmony and harmony can be realized.

Gatherings like this are very important to create a safe and conducive situation in the City of Salatiga ahead of the 2024 Election, as well as being able to maintain the City of Salatiga as the most tolerant city in Indonesia. Community leaders also understand that the security forces are friends of the people and try to prevent radicalism and intolerance, both in Salatiga and in other areas in Indonesia.

H. Ahmad Zuhri welcomed the friendly meeting held by Bhabinkamtibmas Kalibening. In addition to being a form of closeness with residents, he is also a form of concern for maintaining a safe and conducive environment. He is ready to jointly prevent the entry and development of radicalism and intolerance that can divide religions and nations.

Community leaders play an important role in inviting citizens to succeed in elections and prevent radicalism. They assist security forces and the KPU to campaign for peaceful elections and anti-radicalism and terrorism movements. Community leaders welcomed the invitation to hold peaceful and anti-radicalism elections.

)* Analyst at the Cyber ​​Nusa Institute

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