The Issue of Radicalism is Increasingly Massive Ahead of the 2024 Election, Officials are Using Cooling System Efforts

Approaching the campaign stage for the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), the National Police’s Cyber Troops team is starting to increase surveillance on social media. Starting by targeting buzzers who concentrate on playing up issues about hate speech, radicalism and intolerance to false information (hoaxes) which can increase the escalation of social tensions in society. This is due to the increasing potential for disruption to public security and order due to the campaigns of the respective supporters of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs (Paslon).
Based on the monitoring results of the Cyber Patrol Team, the National Police has obtained data on several Facebook accounts and groups in Buleleng which are quite active in raising political issues, but are still at the reasonable stage. The National Police are more concerned about the movement of terrorist groups and radicalism that are taking advantage of the elections and the issue of the war between Hamas and Israel.
Within 1 month of October 2023, Densus 88 has arrested 59 suspected terrorists with evidence in the form of firearms and explosive components. The National Police invites media crew to take part in safeguarding democracy and Public Order and Security by providing balanced information balanced with content that is refreshing to readers.
Meanwhile, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police’s Madago Raya Operations Task Force is equipping the community and students at the Al-Izzah As’adiyah Tolai Islamic Boarding School to ward off radicalism and intolerance ahead of the 2024 elections through tabligh akbar. The aim is to maintain and maintain public security and order (Harkamtibmas) in Central Sulawesi Province ahead of the 2024 General Election. Tabligh Akbar is a form of cooling system to avoid any potential that could cause conflict in society ahead of the 2024 General Election.
Meanwhile, Cilacap Police Chief Commissioner Fannky Ani Sugiharto also invited all components of society to prevent intolerance and radicalism, in order to create a social security and order situation that remains conducive, safe and peaceful, especially in the Cilacap Regency area. Moreover, we have now entered the election season which can increase the political temperature.
National insight is a deep understanding of cultural identity and the values inherent in a nation. These four pillars can be called support or support so that people feel safe, comfortable and prosperous, and are protected from all kinds of disturbances or disasters. The four pillars are first Pancasila, second the 1945 Constitution, third NKRI, and fourth Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
Fannky appealed to the community to make their region a barometer of a region that is very safe and conducive. Always maintain harmony between religious communities, community leaders and increase tolerance in religious and social life. This is because the National Police and TNI have committed to maintaining and ensuring security in realizing a safe Cilacap Regency. Regarding radicalism and terrorism, currently in Nusakambangan Cilacap there are 120 terrorism prisoners in the category of having radical psychology, but there are several prisoners who have accepted psychology.
Implementation of the Pancasila ideology is the best solution to deal with radicalism and extremism. Not only in Indonesia, but also in the world. The problem of terrorism is a global problem whose solution must involve all parties in an effective way.
The world now really needs the values of Pancasila to solve the fundamental problem, the ideology of terrorism which has become a phenomenon throughout the world. In Indonesia, for a long time, the existence of some terror organization groups has not been avoided due to the incomplete understanding of concepts in understanding the religious perspective and the state perspective.
Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (As SDM Kapolri) Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo released his book entitled ‘Radicalism, Terrorism and Deradicalization in Indonesia’. The launch of this book is an effort to cool the system, considering that Indonesia is currently heading towards the 2024 General Election, which has the potential to increase the political temperature.
The diction of Jihad and Terror that is often used by extremist circles must be understood correctly, namely that anything that destroys the national order, divides the unity of the people, delegitimizes the legitimate government, and other similar things is terror. In essence, destroying an already good ‘building’. The importance of synergy between state officials and all elements of society such as religious leaders, religious-based educational institutions and administrators of places of worship.
Another way to prevent the spread of radicalism is to provide space for positive activities and foster love for the country. One of them seems to have been carried out by a number of pupils and students in Banjarmasin who took part in the Anak Bangsa Music Action art performance, Asik Bang in the Taher Square culinary area, Banjarmasin.

With a festival concept, in this event pupils and students representing their schools and campuses perform in groups or solo to compete with their singing talents in front of a national jury. The songs sung were national songs and selected songs where the assessment also prioritized aspects of local wisdom.
This activity is an effort by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) through the South Kalimantan Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT) to prevent the younger generation from being exposed to radicalism and terrorism using an artistic approach.
This artistic approach is to be happier facing existing problems, especially young people today who are exposed to various instruments, they must be able to filter them, one of which is through music.
The radical potential index in South Kalimantan is at the national average, namely 10.2 percent in 2022, while young people, children and women are the groups most vulnerable to exposure. All the potential is there, just the early warning system.
This music festival is held once every year. Through this activity, apart from increasing artistic talent, it is also hoped that it will foster togetherness and a high attitude of tolerance because it will bring together participants from interfaith schools in South Kalimantan.

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