In an effort to ensure a better quality of democracy, the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia invites all elements of society to continue to provide input and suggestions regarding the evaluation of the implementation of the 2024 Election. This step is in line with the KPU’s commitment in facing post-election evaluations before Commission II of the DPR RI in Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
Indonesian KPU member Betty Epsilon stated that the KPU had prepared well to attend the hearing (RDP). This preparation includes preparing arguments based on data that has been collected during the election process.
All KPU chairs and members are scheduled to be present in full at this meeting to ensure that all aspects of election implementation can be discussed comprehensively.
This meeting with Commission II of the DPR RI is a continuation of the meeting of the previous session, where the KPU and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP), and the Ministry of Home Affairs will be evaluated.
The meeting scheduled for April 1 had to be postponed due to the absence of the KPU, which at that time was involved in the 2024 presidential election dispute trial at the Constitutional Court (MK).
In this meeting, members of Commission II DPR RI, such as Guspardi Gaus, plan to confirm various issues related to the implementation of the 2024 elections, including public responses and issues involving the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari.
The KPU is expected to provide comprehensive clarification on all issues that have arisen and explain the steps that have been taken to overcome these problems.
After completing its duties at the Constitutional Court, the Indonesian KPU appointed the pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the elected candidate pair in the 2024 presidential election. This determination is part of the election process as stated in minutes number 252/PL.01.9-BA/05/2024.
At this meeting, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari and other KPU members, including Betty Epsilon Idroos, Idham Holik, Mochammad Afifuddin, Yulianto Sudrajat, August Mellaz, and Parsadaan Harahap, together with KPU Secretary General Bernad Dermawan Sutrisno, were present to discuss the Draft Regulations KPU regarding the 2024 Regional Elections and evaluating the 2024 Elections.
In the first session of the RDP, Hasyim explained strategic issues in the draft regulations regarding the preparation of voter lists and nominations in the 2024 Pilkada. In the second session, which focused on evaluating the 2024 Election, Hasyim expressed his appreciation for the input from the Leadership and Members of Commission II of the DPR RI. This evaluation focuses on three big points: the election system, the election process, and election management.
The electoral system, as part of what is regulated by law, is the domain of legislators, so that the KPU places more emphasis on evaluating the election process and management. This evaluation is carried out from the central to regional levels, including the Provincial and Regency/City KPU.
The evaluation results will be formulated and submitted to the DPR and the government as part of efforts to improve Indonesia’s democratic system.
This hearing resulted in several important conclusions. Commission II DPR RI expresses its appreciation to all the Indonesian people, government, election organizers, police and TNI who have made the 2024 elections a success in a safe and orderly manner.
However, Commission II also expressed its concern over the death toll among election organizers and hoped that they would get the best place as champions of democracy.
Commission II DPR RI invites all elements of the nation to carry out a comprehensive evaluation and perfect the electoral system through revision of related laws and regulations. This proposal is directed to be carried out at the beginning of the 2024-2029 period.
It is hoped that this evaluation will be able to produce election organizers with integrity, professionalism and responsibility, who work in the interests of the nation and state.
Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, as well as Chairman and Members of Bawaslu, Chairman and Members of DKPP, and Plh. Director General of Political and Public Affairs of the Ministry of Home Affairs Togap Simangunsong was also present at the RDP. Their presence shows the seriousness of the government and related institutions in evaluating and improving the election process in Indonesia.
The KPU admits that the implementation of the 2024 elections is not flawless and there are still many aspects that need to be perfected. In this meeting, it is hoped that various input from members of the DPR RI can become material for constructive evaluation. The KPU is committed to continuing to make improvements to ensure better elections in the future.
This evaluation is not only a form of the KPU’s responsibility for the implementation of elections, but also as a form of transparency and accountability to the public. By receiving input from various parties, the KPU hopes to improve the quality of holding the upcoming elections, including the simultaneous regional elections on November 27 2024.
The KPU also invites the public to continue to actively participate in providing suggestions and constructive criticism. Community involvement in this evaluation process is very important to create a more mature democracy with integrity.
Only with collaboration between the government, election organizers and the community, can we ensure that the democratic process runs well and meets the expectations of all parties.
At the end of the meeting, all parties agreed that although the 2024 elections had gone relatively well, there were still many things that needed to be improved. The KPU promises to continue working hard to perfect the election process and ensure that every election held in the future will be better and more transparent.
The public is expected to remain enthusiastic in participating in every stage of the election, because the active role of the community is the main key to the success of democracy. Together, we can build an electoral system that is better and more trustworthy for all Indonesians.