The Pepera’s decision to integrate Papua into the Republic of Indonesia is final and cannot be contested

The final decision from the Determination of People’s Opinion (Pepera) to integrate Papua into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is final and cannot be contested at all.
Regarding this matter, the Coordinator of the Red and White Papua Component Communication Forum of the Republic of Indonesia, Yonas Alfons Nussi, emphasized that the Pepera which was carried out since 1969 was a final and binding decision that Papua was indeed legally part of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
According to Yonas, the final result of Pepera must be guaranteed to be able to land well even on the entire younger generation in the Land of Papua, because this decision was made by the parents of the historical actors and is a decision that is final and binding.
Parents can also be held accountable for everything and indeed so far it has been proven that now the people in Papua live together and are able to continue working in the big house called the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
The attitude of the entire community, including the young generation in Papua, should be upright when talking about the sovereignty of this nation and state, even if for example they have to experience torture or abuse from parties who are completely irresponsible.
Because when it comes to the sovereignty of the nation and state, of course this is absolutely non-negotiable, so it must be firmly stated that all Papuan people should be able to maintain the mandate from their parents regarding the final decision of the Pepera until the last drop of their blood.

Not only is it a decision that has been agreed upon and desired by the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) themselves to be able to join the Republic of Indonesia, but the final decision from Pepera is also one of the blessings and grace of God Almighty for the people of Bumi Cenderawasih.
According to Papuan Youth Leader, Ali Kabiay, the integration of the Land of Papua into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a way and also a gift from God. Thus, he invites and appeals to all people in Bumi Cenderawasih that it is fitting that integration must be maintained as well as possible by all parties.
On the contrary, the claims and demands for Papuan independence as desired by a handful of Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) will in no way guarantee the arrival of prosperity for the OAP community.
The reason is, those who want Papuan independence from the archipelago are not actually Papuans themselves. In fact, so far, this Papuan youth leader believes that the intensity of the direct visit made by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo to the Land of Papua, is very high, which shows how much the Indonesian Government loves the Earth of Cenderawasih.
The government’s love for it is also clearly demonstrated by how focused the Government has been on continuing to carry out development in the Eastern region of Indonesia, including Papua.
Meanwhile, this is clearly in contrast to the many anarchist actions carried out by KST such as setting fire to public facilities, hospitals and markets, which actually further hampers the Government’s development efforts. Not only that, but it also increasingly hampers the economy and the development of human resources (HR) there.
So in fact, from the very striking difference between the government’s attitude and the attitude taken by KST, the Papuan people should be obliged to be grateful and continue to maintain God’s most beautiful gift, namely the integration of the Land of Papua with the Republic of Indonesia.

Maybe you can’t imagine what would happen if, for example, Papua were not integrated with this nation and they followed KST’s wishes. Perhaps there will actually be more victims and many of the younger generation will be indoctrinated to commit acts of terrorism.
It is not surprising why the Papuan youth leader then invited the entire OAP community to take part in fighting the propaganda that continues to be put forward by KST, especially regarding the issue of an independent Papua.
Because so far the desires of the separatist groups do not at all reflect the desires of the OAP community themselves, but they only move according to their own goals and those of their own group.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with how the Pepera decision was made, which ultimately led to Papua’s final and legal integration with the Republic of Indonesia. In fact, this is considered a form of gift from God because now the Papuan people can become more advanced and prosperous. So that Pepera’s decision itself cannot be contested at all.

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