The public must respect the 2024 PHPU legislative election decision

By: Aulia Rahma W.)*

The Constitutional Court (MK) is currently holding a hearing to read the 2024 legislative election dispute decision. The public is also advised to always respect the 2024 PHPU legislative election decision which has been carried out safely and transparently.

It is known that the Constitutional Court held a decision hearing for three days, namely on 6, 7 and 10 June 2024. Therefore, various parties, from the government, security forces, to civil society, expressed their commitment to maintaining security stability during the trial process. Not only that, the public is also advised to always respect the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the PHPU legislative election trial.

The government has emphasized its commitment to respecting the legal process and ensuring that the 2024 legislative election dispute trial runs smoothly and safely. Security forces have also been deployed to maintain security around the Constitutional Court and in various regions in Indonesia. Civil society also participates in maintaining security stability. Various civil society organizations have called on the public to remain calm and not be provoked by parties who want to cause riots considering that the Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding.

Regarding the importance of maintaining a conducive situation and accepting the Constitutional Court’s decision, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that all Indonesian people should continue to maintain harmony and unity for the sake of a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia. The Constitutional Court has also engaged the public to express opinions, through amicus curiae or friends of the court which have been welcomed by national figures and intellectuals. Thus, the Constitutional Court’s decision is valid.

It is a commitment of all parties to maintain security stability in order to maintain the smoothness of the democratic process in Indonesia. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro said that the public should continue to maintain national unity and integrity and not be divided due to provocative hoax news in order to create a safe, peaceful and dignified Indonesia.

The mass media also has an important role in maintaining stability during the dispute trial process. The media must act as a distributor of accurate and non-provoking information. Responsible and objective dissemination of news will help the public understand the situation well, thereby reducing the potential for conflict. Apart from that, the media can also play a role in socializing security efforts carried out by the authorities.

On the other hand, security continues to be carried out by security forces by prioritizing negotiations and providing humane services and carrying out tasks according to procedures. The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has deployed tens of thousands of personnel to maintain security around the Constitutional Court and in various regions in Indonesia. The TNI also helps in maintaining security.

Spokesperson for the Vice President (Wapres), Masduki Baidlowi, said that the Vice President had appealed to the public and all related parties, especially those involved in the dispute and their supporters, to respect and accept whatever results the MK decides. The Constitutional Court hearing is part of a legal dispute resolution mechanism after elections, both the presidential election and the election of legislative members (pileg).

Security stability is very important to maintain the smoothness of the democratic process in Indonesia. If there is a security disturbance, the 2024 legislative election dispute hearing could be hampered and the democratic process in Indonesia could be tarnished.

Political parties, as the main participants in the legislative elections, must demonstrate their commitment to a fair and peaceful legal process. They need to educate their cadres and supporters about the importance of maintaining calm and obeying the law. Political parties must also avoid rhetoric that could trigger conflict and ensure that all disputes are resolved through established mechanisms.

Therefore, all parties involved in the 2024 legislative election dispute hearing must work together to maintain security stability. The community must also play a role in maintaining security stability by remaining calm and not being provoked by parties who want to cause riots. The public needs to gain a good understanding of the legal process related to legislative election disputes. Education about the importance of dispute hearings and how the mechanisms work can reduce unnecessary tension and speculation. This outreach can be done through mass media, social media, and directly to the community through community figures and community organizations.

Community and religious figures have a big influence in guiding and calming society. Their involvement in this process is very important to create a conducive atmosphere. They can be good mediators in conflicts and help spread messages of peace and tolerance. Dialogue with these figures must be carried out regularly to ensure their support in maintaining security stability.

Security stability during the 2024 legislative election dispute trial is a shared responsibility that requires the cooperation of various parties. From security forces, political parties, media, community and religious figures, to the general public, everyone has an important role in creating a conducive atmosphere. With appropriate strategic steps and good coordination, it is hoped that the 2024 legislative election dispute trial process can take place safely and peacefully, maintaining the integrity of Indonesian democracy.

)*  Semarang University student

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