The Republic of Indonesia is not yet complete without the presence of Papua as part of the country

The Republic of Indonesia is not yet complete without the presence of Papua as part of the country

By : Liben Wenda )* 

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is a solid unit, but the integrity and completeness of this homeland cannot be said to be perfect without the presence of Papua as an integral part of Indonesia. Papua, with all its natural riches and cultural diversity, plays an important role in strengthening the foundations of the Indonesian nation. As a province that has great potential in various aspects, including its natural, cultural and human resources, it has become the main focus for the Indonesian government in its development efforts.

Papua, with its stunning natural beauty, is not just a region that must be protected, but is also a reflection of the diversity that is one of Indonesia’s riches. Its presence not only provides additional territory, but also adds to the richness of culture, traditions and local wisdom which are an inseparable part of the identity of the Indonesian nation.

As concrete evidence to ensure that Papua is truly an integral and solid part of the Republic of Indonesia, which is more than just a geographical presence. The government carries out various in-depth understandings to meet the needs and aspirations of the community as well as real efforts to improve social, economic and political conditions in the region.

Efforts to empower the economy, improve social welfare, and provide fair access to education, health, and infrastructure are important steps taken by the government to ensure that Papua truly feels the benefits of being part of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, the community is also asked to play an active role in supporting government policies in advancing Papua.

Papua Police Chief, Inspector General. Pol. Mathius D. Fakhiri invited Saireri youth who are members of the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) to be active in maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). He emphasized the important role of youth in maintaining national unity and unity, as well as in supporting efforts to eradicate corruption.

Apart from that, open and inclusive dialogue between the central government, regional government and community leaders is the key to formulating sustainable development for Papua.

Apart from physical development, the government is also committed to strengthening dialogue and communication between the central government, regional governments, community leaders and Papuan leaders themselves. This open and inclusive dialogue is an important means for resolving conflicts, improving social and political conditions, and formulating more effective and sustainable policies for Papua.

Apart from that, the government also encourages collaboration between the private sector, international institutions and civil society institutions in the development of Papua. It is hoped that this cross-sector collaboration can accelerate Papua’s development and improve the quality of life of the Papuan people as a whole.

Papuan Youth Leader, Ali Kabiay, said that the community strongly rejects the efforts of separatist groups such as the ULMWP which continues to campaign for Papuan independence. For him, this action insults the democratic process that has been carried out by the Papuan people in general elections such as the Regional Head Election, Presidential Election and legislative elections, in which indigenous Papuans also take part. Ali Kabiay emphasized that separatist groups living abroad should not claim to be leaders of Papua, because their presence in Papua is the first time they have not made a significant contribution to the Papuan people.

Ali also noted that President Joko Widodo has shown great attention to Papua and West Papua through equitable development programs, one of which is through the allocation of village funds in the APBN. He emphasized that this opportunity must be utilized as best as possible by the young generation of Papua to build a better Papua. He also emphasized the importance of using village funds wisely by the village head or village head so that they can have a direct impact on the community.

Ali also encouraged all parties, including the younger generation, to participate in building a prosperous Papua and oppose provocations that are not beneficial for Papua’s future. Ali emphasized that Papua is an integral part of Indonesia and will remain so forever. 

As a country based on Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Indonesia has a moral responsibility to maintain the integrity and diversity of its region, including Papua. Only by treating Papua as an inseparable part of our homeland can we achieve our common goals as a developed, peaceful and prosperous nation.

Therefore, let’s work together to build Papua as a complete, strong and prosperous part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the Republic of Indonesia can truly develop perfectly in accordance with the spirit of independence and unity that our predecessors fought for.

With a strong commitment from the government and active participation from all stakeholders, Papua will continue to develop as an integral and strong part of the Republic of Indonesia. Inclusive and sustainable development will be the foundation for Papua to achieve its potential as one of the developed and prosperous regions in Indonesia. In this way, Papua will remain a source of pride for the Indonesian people and a reflection of our success in building a country that is fair, equitable and just for all its people.

)* Students from Papua in Makassar

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