The Spirit of Independence and Unity in Fighting the Hoax

The Spirit of Independence and Unity in Fighting the Hoax

Nowadays technology has an important role in the life of Indonesian society, starting from the scope of business, finding information, becoming a place of learning and much more. However, besides the positive impacts of technology, it can also have negative impacts that are very dangerous, one of which is a hoax. Hoax is a fake reporting / notification that the source is unclear and the contents are not true. Whereas technology is really needed by the community, one of which is to make it easier to get news, but it can be misused by certain elements. One of the efforts is to spread hoaxes, they only seek profit from these activities and do not think about the consequences of these activities. Therefore, it is very much needed a spirit of unity, unity, and passion to eradicate hoaxes from the people of Indonesia, especially in the younger generation through literacy in order to succeed Indonesia’s development for the next five years.

Indonesia’s young generation has a very important role in development in Indonesia because the future of the Indonesian nation is in the hands of the younger generation, through literacy they not only know one aspect, but various aspects. Political, economic aspects, how to anticipate hoaxes, how to filter news, and others that have the main objective to develop Indonesia towards progressive direction.

The Spirit of Independence and Unity in Fighting the Hoax for the Success of Development and National Leadership in the Next Five Years

At this time technology has an important role in various lines of life of Indonesian society, starting from the scope of business, finding information, becoming a place to learn and much more. But besides the positive impacts, technology also has negative impacts that are very dangerous, one of which is a hoax. Hoax is a fake reporting / notification with unclear source and usually the contents are not true, Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara explained that “The site (hoax) is almost 800 thousand yes, the latest data is 700 thousand to almost 800 thousand,” Rudiantara said when met after attending a limited meeting at the President’s Office, Thursday (29/12) and according to research conducted through, a technology blog from Jakarta, which works with the Jakpat Mobile Survey Platform. This research asks about the distribution of hoax content in digital platforms to 2,032 respondents.

This research notes that there are still many Indonesians who cannot digest information completely and correctly, but have a strong desire to immediately share it with others. Unfortunately, some information can bring many interpretations and points of view. Of all the respondents involved, this research noted 44.19 percent of respondents said they were not sure they had expertise in detecting beritahoax. While other respondents, amounting to 51.03 percent, chose to remain silent (and not believe) when meeting hoax content. Based on this, it can be said that Indonesia is experiencing a serious hoax problem, how can it not be if there are still 44% of people who have not been able to filter the news from 2032 respondents, therefore it is very important for Indonesian people to be able to filter the news they get, one of which is their efforts is through digital literacy.

Digital literacy is the interests, attitudes and abilities of individuals who use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, build new knowledge, create and communicate with others so that they can participate effectively in society, besides digital literacy also has benefits that can add useful knowledge to hone the critical thinking of young people in order to smooth development in Indonesia and prepare the attitude of leaders for the next five years. Apart from digital literacy, Indonesian people must also have a spirit of independence and unity in order to move towards a more advanced Indonesia.

How to filter out any new information to avoid hoaxes

Check resource persons

Anticipate provocative headlines

Read the news thoroughly

Search and compare with other sources

Do not rush to share the news

Participate in Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the interests, attitudes and abilities of individuals who use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, build new knowledge, create and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society. Literacy can be understood as one’s ability to read and write. Good literacy skills will help young people in understanding information both verbally and in writing. Literacy culture is useful in realizing the role of the young generation in aspects of national development because young people have superior personalities and are able to understand knowledge and technology to compete locally and globally.

Literacy is not just the ability to read and write, but literacy can mean technological, political, critical thinking, and sensitive to the environment. Literacy is very important for all levels of society, because through literacy the community will be able to increase their knowledge and prepare a generation that excels in all fields.

Wise Ways To Use Social Media To Maintain Indonesian Nation

Not free to post news

    There is nothing wrong with posting your status or photos, but don’t ever do that if there are hoax elements because that will only hurt you, so to all account posters, it’s only natural, don’t spread hatred, sara and other negative things.

Carefully choose friends on social media

    This is because there are also many cases of people being tricked by their friends because they are not careful. so for you guys don’t trust people who are totally unknown at all, it’s also a virtual world that is sure to have lots of friends that we don’t know what it’s like.

Show your real identity but don’t be personal ………….
    Aim so that people can get to know the real you but try never to show your personal contacts such as cellphone numbers for example because that could be the target of people who want to do evil.

With the spirit of unity, unity, and passion to increase literacy in Indonesia, it will indirectly improve the condition of Indonesia through various sides and prepare young people to become leaders in the next five years for Indonesia.

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