Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH. Ma’ruf Amin, who is also the Chair of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP), carried out a series of working visits to be able to monitor directly how to accelerate welfare development in the Land of Papua. It is known that the series of working visits he carried out were in Papua Province, Mountainous Papua Province and also South Papua Province.
The visit will be held from 9 to 13 October 2023. Regarding this agenda, the Vice President’s Spokesperson, Masduki Baidlowi, explained that during the visit, the Vice President himself would confirm directly how the progress of accelerating development in Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Bumi Cenderawasih was going and see whether he remained committed to protecting rights. human rights (HAM), especially for indigenous Papuans (OAP).
KH. Ma’ruf Amin himself will also continue to focus on the security approach sector. Apart from that, he also continues to encourage the running of the National Sports Grand Design program so that it can be implemented by athletes, figures and the community in the easternmost province in Indonesia.
For your information, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia will also continue to focus office activities at the Papua Governor’s Office with a number of agendas. Some of the agenda is receiving audiences from human rights and peace activist figures, then welcoming indigenous Papuan business leaders and leading the BP3OKP Coordination Meeting (Rakor) related to the Integrated Approach to Security and Welfare in Papua.
Then on Wednesday, October 11 2023, KH. Ma’ruf Amin will carry out a number of other agendas at the Papua Bangkit Main Stadium, Jayapura. He is scheduled to inspect the stadium area, then attend the handover of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) certificate.
Not only that, but the Vice President will also attend directly the Groundbreaking event for Facilities and Infrastructure in the Papua Mountain Province. Then, signing the first stone laying inscription in South Papua Province as well.
Of course, with the entire series of working visits carried out by KH. Ma’ruf Amin is a manifestation of the real and strong commitment of the Indonesian Government in its focus on assisting the performance of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in preparing the best legacy for the young generation that will succeed the indigenous Papuan nation (OAP).
Furthermore, the Vice President also continues to strive to further strengthen harmony between the central government, regional government (Pemda) and traditional leaders, especially ahead of the implementation of the democratic party and political contestation in the General Election (Pemilu) in 2024 and is able to ensure that Public service functions can run effectively and with integrity.
On different occasions, KH. Ma’ruf Amin also asked all stakeholders to participate very actively in encouraging the acceleration of welfare development in Mimika Regency, Central Papua. This is done by continuing to strengthen the employment social security program.
Some of the stakeholders in question are the local Regional Government (Pemda), Freeport Indonesia, Bank Papua and also the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development in Papua (BP3OKP). Because with joint participation by a number of parties, they will be able to formulate development designs that are really needed in the region.
The very strong commitment given by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the government’s very high attention to accelerating welfare development in the Land of Papua, has resulted in many people from various circles giving their full support.
Regarding this matter, the Chair of the IKPP Team of the Directorate of IK Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Directorate of Jem Kemkominfo RI, Dwi Dianingsih said that it is also important to hold a public discussion forum in order to increase knowledge and awareness among the public, especially among youth and students such as university students about how central government policies relate to with efforts to accelerate welfare development in Papua.
Moreover, by holding a public discussion forum, it can also aim to further encourage real action from participants, including journalists in Papua and students, regarding central government policies related to accelerating development. Because the idea of a meeting between journalists and students is based on the spirit of renewal in improving national networks, so that the dissemination of information can be much more accurate and reliable and also provide trust to the wider community, as stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020. There are efforts The acceleration of welfare development for all people in the Land of Papua continues to be intensified and taken very seriously by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. So therefore,