Traditional Figures Play a Role in Realizing the Smooth Development of Papua

Community leader (Tomas) Jayawijaya invited all elements of society from various levels to continue to fully support the efforts made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to realize the development of Papua, which is also very important for improving the quality of human resources (HR) in the Land of Papua itself. so that prosperity can be realized equally.

Yusen Tabuni, a Jayawijaya community leader, revealed that all the things that the government has continued to intensify are for the sake of progress, peace and welfare for all indigenous Papuan communities (OAP), including those in Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua Province.

With the full support provided by all elements and the entire community of Bumi Cenderawasih itself for various kinds of program implementation from the central government, this is also a concrete manifestation of the concern and active participation in the trust that the community has in the Central Government in this era. leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

In fact, as good citizens, of course all the people in the easternmost province in the country are able to take part and actively participate in accelerating development in all fields that are being intensified by the Central Government, especially in the Land of Papua itself.

The public can do several things to show how full and real their support is for the Indonesian government, one of which is not to be easily instigated when there are several issues that clearly have a provocative tone, which these issues actually have the potential to cause various problems. Other conflicts in society can also cause security disturbances and further divide the unity of the people.

Furthermore, another thing that shows how all Papuan people really care about and fully support the development strategy steps taken by the central government is by empowering various programs for Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the progress and welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

Due to the fact that this nation will soon be holding a big celebration in the context of a democratic party and also political contestation, namely at the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), the Jayawijaya community leader also invited all citizens to be able to support and play an active role in the success of the election. President (Pilpres), Legislative Elections (Pileg) to Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). Because with all the stages of the election process being successful, it is also hoped that we will be able to guide the upcoming new government even better so that the future of Papua Province, including Papua Mountains and Jayawijaya will also be able to improve as well.

The election itself is indeed a very big celebration that will be held by this republic, so this should be able to be responded to very well by all elements of society in Papua because they will later elect leaders for the future and also the people’s representatives who will sit in the seats. parliament, so it is also important for all people to be able to channel their voting rights on the day of the election by choosing leaders according to their individual conscience.

Then, touching on the momentum of the upcoming 2023-2024 Christmas and New Year celebrations, we also appealed to all the people of Bumi Cenderawasih to continue to maintain peace and conduciveness in their respective regions.

Only by continuing to strengthen cooperation and continuing to join hands with all levels of society, is an important key to jointly being able to maintain security and public order (kamtibmas). The reason is that with public security and order that can be maintained well, in the future it will also be an important key for successful progress and development of the welfare of the people in the Land of Papua.

Another policy step that has also been taken by the Indonesian government to realize increased development of the quality of human resources in Papua is by implementing regional expansion through the implementation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB), which is a development strategy from the central government to further minimize the existence of underdeveloped development, both from natural resources and human resources.

For information, Papua itself actually has a very large area, which is almost 3 to 4 times the area compared to the island of Java, with a population of around 5 million people. Therefore, the very large area is a challenge in itself in efforts to accelerate development in the region.

Moreover, the geographical terrain in Papua can also be said to be quite difficult to reach. Therefore, the DOB policy implemented by the Government is clearly able to answer the various existing challenges to further improve the welfare of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih.

However, all the efforts and efforts intensified by the Indonesian Government in order to build infrastructure and improve the quality of human resources in the Land of Papua will certainly not be able to run optimally if it is not accompanied by full support from all elements of society in Bumi Cenderawasih itself. In other words, support from the Papuan people is very meaningful for various human resource advancement programs carried out by the government.

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