UBK Academician Faisyal Chaniago: The Ciptaker Law Has Accommodated Labor Interests

Jakarta – Bung Karno University academic Faisyal Chaniago believes that the Job Creation Law currently accommodates workers’ interests by strengthening the Perppu Ciptaker. Apart from that, according to him, the government must continue to massively socialize the Job Creation Perppu so that people can know and understand it comprehensively.

The state must not stop socializing its programs, including this Perpu. The state must continue to work on socializing this so that investors and workers can work together. Labor cannot work if there is no industry. Industry cannot work if there are no workers. The state must continue to work and must not give up, said Bung Karno University Academic, Monday 12/6/2023 in the National Dialogue program on Pancasila TV.

According to him, socialization creates reactions and actions, that’s natural. There must be. The actions and reactions of the capitalists or the actions and reactions of the workers will surely continue. So now how does the state react to the actions and reactions that come from these two organs. That’s what you have to think about, don’t let the socialization not take place, miscommunication will arise between the workers and the capitalists or entrepreneurs.

Why is the government accelerating this Perpu, it has been strengthened, it has already been implemented, that we need a large investment in the development of Jokowi’s area now. We need investors to invest, so that the wheels of the economy run quickly, and this Perpu also encourages both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs to eliminate their worries about security in investing or doing business in the country, explained Faisyal.

In fact, it has been going well, until the government has ordered the cutting of the long-winded bureaucracy through this law. In principle, this law is good, the target is clear, to create a society where there is economic growth in the country to increase state revenue. Entrepreneurs will increase industrialization, as well as access to the development of industries owned by entrepreneurs, said the UBK Academic.

He added, some of the workers’ interests already exist, what workers protest a lot is in the field of outsourcing, if we look at the wages fairly, the wages always go up, even though it’s not significant, but every worker’s demand for wages is always accommodated by the state, always accommodated. even though there was no significant increase, it was only considered because by the state, because the cost of living had also increased, wages had to increase automatically, he concluded.
I think here there must be collective awareness between workers and business actors, looking for a middle ground, what should it be like? If there is no midpoint then it will not work. What effect will industrialization not run in the future, including the wheels of the economy also not working. It’s not only the capitalists who are at risk, workers are also at risk. There will be no income later. This is what workers must also think about, said Faisyal Chaniago.

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