Young Generation at the Front Guard Against Hoaxes and Intolerance Ahead of the Election

The spread of negative content, which usually takes the form of hoaxes and intolerance, is often found scattered on social media ahead of the General Election. This kind of content often rides on popular issues that are currently attracting the attention of many people. So the younger generation has a very important role in fighting hoaxes and intolerance. They are at the forefront because they own the future, and building a society that is inclusive and based on correct information is the key to creating a better world.
As the 2024 General Election approaches, obstacles and threats have the potential to emerge which are feared to disrupt the implementation of the General Election itself. Public awareness and vigilance must be increased because provocations from individuals who want chaos during the elections will reappear. To anticipate this, the younger generation is at the forefront in campaigning to the public about the importance of being alert to the provocation of hoax news and intolerance as well as the importance of peaceful elections.
Furthermore, the role of the younger generation as the front guard in fighting hoaxes and intolerance is becoming increasingly crucial. Elections are often a momentum where inaccurate information can spread quickly and increase levels of intolerance. So this phenomenon can damage the integrity of the election and create tension in society.
Then the role of the younger generation in creating peaceful elections without hoaxes and intolerance is very important, because they constitute a significant part of the voting population and have great potential to shape the country’s democratic direction. The younger generation is a large demographic group in the electorate, so their active involvement can have a significant impact on election results. Therefore, the presence and participation of the younger generation can influence political decisions and shape the future direction of the nation.
Younger generations often have a strong passion for freedom, justice, and equality. They can be effective agents of change to ensure that elections take place fairly, free from hoaxes and intolerance, and in accordance with democratic principles. In addition, the younger generation also has the potential to increase overall voter participation levels. They can mobilize fellow youth and other community groups to get involved in the electoral process, raise political awareness, and encourage greater participation.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo) for the Aceh Region, Destika Gilang Lestari, said that his party invited the younger generation to further optimize their role in countering various hoaxes related to election issues, so that the younger generation could become a contingent for educating the voting public. In the upcoming 2024 democratic party, the voices of young people will dominate and determine the future direction of this nation. So it is very important for us to be able to further optimize the role of young people in fighting fake news, because the spread of hoaxes is part of a fairly big challenge to making peaceful elections a success.
The involvement of the younger generation in the 2024 elections represents the future, not the past, and has great potential to bring positive change to the Indonesian nation. In addition, the younger generation is not only taking on the role of voters, but also as campaign volunteers, writers and active political activists. They can use social media and information technology to mobilize support and convey positive messages so that the 2024 elections can run safely and peacefully without hoaxes and intolerance.
Member of the Youth Coalition for Democracy Resilience (KAMu DemRes), Daffa Taqi Abiyyu, said that preventing hoaxes must involve all levels. According to him, hoaxes about the election will continue to circulate, so he really hopes for the role of young people in preventing the spread of hoaxes and intolerance. Especially before election day, hoaxes about politics increase drastically, the effect of which can cause divisions in society. Therefore, currently the younger generation must be able to strengthen their capacity to ward off hoaxes and intolerance in society.
Furthermore, the role of the younger generation will continue to grow in the upcoming elections and their influence will become stronger in determining the country’s political future. This is a positive sign that the participation of the younger generation in campaigning for peaceful elections free from hoaxes and intolerance will bring a conducive and sustainable situation in various security aspects of the democratic party.

Many of today’s global challenges require cross-generational solutions. The younger generation, with progressive and global thinking, can contribute to overcoming problems such as climate change, social inequality and global peace through their political participation. Therefore, actively involving the younger generation in political and electoral processes is an investment in building a democratic, inclusive and peaceful society. And providing space and supporting their participation is the key to creating elections that run peacefully and produce better representation for the interests of all citizens.
By taking these steps, the younger generation can play an important role in maintaining the integrity of democracy and creating a more tolerant and inclusive environment ahead of the elections. Apart from that, the younger generation can play an active role in maintaining the integrity of elections, fighting hoaxes, and building a more inclusive and tolerant society.

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