Young Generation at the Front Guard of Online Gambling Prevention

Young Generation at the Front Guard of Online Gambling Prevention

By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

The younger generation has extraordinary potential as the front guard in efforts to prevent online gambling in Indonesia. Although digital technology brings various conveniences, its rapid development also poses major risks for children and teenagers. One of the biggest risks lurking is online gambling, which has recently become a serious issue in the country.

Online gambling can be easily accessed via smartphones, which is a big challenge as there are no physical barriers like there are in casinos. Unfortunately, this access is also used by children under the age of 17, even those who do not have an identity card.
Data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) reveals worrying figures, namely that around 80,000 children under 10 years old and 440,000 pre-teens and teenagers are involved in online gambling. This shows how serious this threat is to the future of the younger generation.

To overcome this problem, fast and integrated steps are needed. As in efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency, monitoring the activities of children and teenagers is an important key. The family environment and surrounding community must be proactive in protecting them from the temptation of online gambling.

Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection emphasizes the importance of protecting children from various forms of violence, intimidation and online gambling addiction.
Parents have a crucial role in this effort. They must ensure that their children are protected from the threat of online gambling. Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Jasra Putra, emphasized that children’s actions are often influenced by the behavior of their parents. Therefore, parents must set a good example and guide their children properly.

In the midst of the rise of online gambling, KPAI is also paying attention to the potential for economic exploitation of children. Irresponsible adults can take advantage of children by using their accounts for gambling or creating bank accounts with children’s data. This is a very dangerous form of exploitation and must be addressed immediately through strict law enforcement.

Currently, all elements of society are working to realize the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, which is expected to be achieved by the 100th anniversary of our country’s independence. The younger generation plays an important role in realizing this vision. However, based on data, teenagers are the group most vulnerable to online gambling among the young age group.
The Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in 2023 found that the youth group (aged 13–18 years) had the highest internet penetration rate. The adolescent phase begins at the age of 10–13 years and ends at the age of 18–22 years, where they tend to show impulsive behavior and seek new experiences.

Impulsive behavior is normal, but risky behavior, such as online gambling, must be prevented. Some cases show that teenagers promote online gambling on social media, which can make the situation worse. The spread of online gambling addiction should not be ignored because its impact is very detrimental to society. All parties must play an active role in preventing children from being involved in criminal acts due to online gambling.

The most important factor in creating a golden generation is the role of family and environment. Parents and local communities must care about the welfare of children and adolescents. They must build and strengthen children’s good character and educate them about the dangerous consequences of actions that lead to criminal acts. An integrated approach with all parties is needed to protect children from the threats of online gambling.
Deputy Chair of the Indonesian MPR, Lestari Moerdijat, emphasized that steps to prevent children and teenagers from being exposed to online gambling must be taken immediately. Joint efforts are needed to protect the nation’s future generations.

According to the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), around 3.2 million people in Indonesia are involved in online gambling, and more than 2 percent of them are children under 10 years old. This is an alarming figure and must be responded to immediately with appropriate steps.

Online gambling has a negative impact on the mental formation and instillation of national values ​​in the younger generation. In an era of globalization full of competition, this nation needs a young generation with strong character and high competitiveness. Exposure to online gambling disrupts the process of developing better national human resources (HR) in the future.
All parties, including stakeholders at the central and regional levels, as well as the community, need to collaborate well to take the right steps in eradicating online gambling. The Ministry of Communication and Information has intensified preventive measures, including education and outreach through collaboration with various institutions.

Protecting the younger generation from the threats of online gambling is a shared responsibility. All parties, from family, community, to government, must play an active role in this effort. The young generation is a valuable asset that must be safeguarded and protected to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045. With cooperation and integrated efforts, we can ensure that our children and teenagers grow into a generation with strong character and high competitiveness. Let’s work together to be at the forefront of preventing online gambling and protecting the nation’s future.

)* The author is a contributor to the Lintas Nusamedia Institute

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