Religious Figures Emphasize Monitoring the Transition Mass and Supporting the Elected President

JAKARTA,- The Secretary-General of Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, appreciated the achievements over the past 10 years of leadership and urged all elements of the nation to maintain political stability as an effort for the continuity of future leadership transitions. This was conveyed while being a resource person on Sapa Indonesia Malam Kompas TV (September 19).

“We must be a nation that is able to appreciate and respect its leaders objectively,” he explained.

Furthermore, Mu’ti stated that it is also important for the public to provide a comprehensive assessment of the achievements that President Jokowi and his team have accomplished over the past 10 years.

The General Secretary of Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, stated that all Indonesian citizens must be able to move on and accept the results of the 2024 elections. (Pileg dan Pilpres).

“We must be able to learn from the experiences of the legislative and presidential elections because that very complex process can run smoothly,” he said.

Furthermore, Mu’ti stated that Indonesia has the capital and experience in managing democracy. With that experience, how can we realize simultaneous regional elections that are fair, safe, peaceful, and free from money politics?

According to him, in a democratic country, the change of leadership is a normal political event. Thus, the next leader can continue the principles of the previous leadership to create a harmonious climate among the community.

The democratic process must proceed as planned. The regional elections must be conducted with quality, which can be measured from four aspects, including the election organizers’ ability to uphold the voting rights of the public. The quality of candidates and the substance of ideas should be prioritized, rather than attacking individuals or personal matters. Campaign promises must serve as a blueprint roadmap for regional development.

On the same occasion, the Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), KH. Marsudi Syuhud, expressed that we should be grateful that Indonesia is still in a safe and comfortable condition. Meanwhile, many countries today are unable to develop.

“In the democratic process, the victory of the Indonesian nation can hold peaceful and orderly elections,” he explained.

Furthermore, it was conveyed that this is part of our maturity in democracy, and once again, the fact that there are shortcomings is part of the agendas that we will later refine.

“Let us give both of them (elected President Prabowo Subianto and elected Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka) the opportunity to lead the administration of the state,” he continued.

As a consequence of democracy and his election, we should give him the opportunity to work and trust him. Of course, we must be active and participatory citizens in the sense of supporting the good steps and programs of our future leaders.

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