Waste Pool of Lahai Coal Corp leak

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Acid contents of Briwit River in district of Laung tuhup, Murung Raya regency is dangerous enough, not only for human, but also for flora and fauna in there. It is because the waste contamination from corporation.

The waste is come from waste pool of Lahei Coal Corporation, IndoMet Coal, group BHP Biliton Corporation in Block Haju at Briwit River, Laung Tuhup district, Murung Raya regency, Central Kalimantan. It needs to take serious action.

Head of Badan Lingkungan Hidup (The board for environment) Murung Raya, Pujo Sarwono said that the acid content is on standard.

“Now, the acid content is only reaching ph 5 and it is under level of the minister for environment that ph only be mix on river if river has reached ph 7,” said Pujo Sarwono like quote in Borneonews.co.id (Thursday, 16 June 2016).

According to him, the entry of waste to river is because of dereliction of corporation’s handle. The corporation must be handling early to handle the waste of mining activity entry to public then contaminated the environment.

Pujo also said that the waste pool condition has been on standard. But, the location does not guard by official to anticipate the entry of waste to river.

Whereas, the access to visit the waste pool is far enough from Puruk Cahu, reaching 2 h 30 m by boat and continued by car.

Coal Corpleakage of waste pondsMurung Raya regencyWaste Pool
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