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Indonesian Embassy Saved Migran Worker From Suriah



Agus *)

Behind the confict of Suriah, there are thousands of Indonesian still struggling to leave the country. One of them saved by Indonesian Embassy for Suriah, from the area surrounded by Islamic State.

Indonesian Embassy at Damascus explains that the name of migran woker is Casih binti Waan from Subang, West Java. She was lived at Deir Ezzor at East Suriah which is Iraq-Suriah border.

On December 2015 Indonesian Embassy received application from Casih employer to bring her back home due to has spent his employment contract since 2011. However, an overland trip out of the city was cut off by besieged by opposition groups , including ISIS.

To bring Casih from the city, Embassy sent a diplomatic note to the Syrian government asked for help pick migran worker use military facilities. For now, she has been at the center of the Embassy shelter since January 14, 2016 and will soon be repatriated to Indonesia after complete all the requirements.

The Embassy explains that 80 percent of Deir Ezzor controlled by ISIS. Government troops only hold the reins in 20 percent of the rest of the territory. Since the city was besieged ISIS, the needs of the population is supplied through the air by helicopter.


*) The Author is Brunei Contributor

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