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Be aware of the Radicalism Movement in Indonesia


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

The spread of radical understanding in Indonesia is still in the worrying category. One reason is that the spread of understanding has begun to target young people, even educated people in Indonesia. The government needs to take decisive steps by involving many parties in deradicalization efforts.

We need to know together that radicalism is a systematic effort by individuals or groups to carry out radical changes to its roots by using both physical and verbal violence.

Anti-radicalism activist Haidar Alwi said that in Indonesia, there are 3 types of radicalism. First is radicalism in faith. Radicalism like this is a person who always values ​​others as infidels.

Such radicalism often provides judgment or judgment that someone will go to hell unless his group / group.

The second type of radicalism is action. In this type, Haidar gave an example like the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group. The result of his observations is, JAD is a group that always justifies any means, including carrying out murders in the name of religion.

The third is radical in political form. This kind of radicalism is the desire of a group that wants to replace the legitimate state ideology namely Pancasila with the ideology of the Khilafah.

Of the three types, Haidar said the number of followers of the three is rife in Indonesia. In fact, he boasted that at this time Indonesia in an emergency situation would understand radically.

Of course radicalism is still a serious threat to the survival of the life of the nation and state. Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani admitted that the problem of radicalism in Indonesia had begun to increase in the last 10 years.

According to him, over the past 10 years the alarm of radicalism in Indonesia has actually sounded, including when Indonesia is conducting an election agenda that is often accompanied by increased intolerance in Indonesia.

Therefore, in the second period of Jokowi’s administration, he will prioritize the development of the quality of human resources (HR) based on Pancasila. All of that was done so that the strengthening of Pancasila emerged in the midst of the community.

Supiadin Aries Saputra explained, the radicalism movement had existed for a long time in Indonesia, he gave an example of how there were rebellions in the TII and NII in the early days of independence.

This is certainly proof that radicalism and terrorism have become a real threat to the peace and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore there is no other way, radicalism and terrorism must be eradicated to its roots.

In addition, strict action must also be applied to those who are exposed to radicalism. This is because the followers of radical groups also make efforts to spread their understanding and ideology to all levels of society.

If examined deeper, of course there are factors that underlie someone who is easily exposed to radicalism, ranging from economic, social, religious understanding and others.

Therefore to prevent radicalism from reaching its roots, an economic approach, involving religious leaders, mass organizations and NGOs are also needed in efforts to deradicalize Indonesia.

Evidence of the existence of the understanding of radicalism is still recorded in various media, such as suicide bombings in Medan, to the stabbing of the Former Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Wiranto. This certainly shows that radical ideology or understanding has entered massively and systematically to all groups and levels of society.

With the existence of these victims, it becomes evidence that radicalism has eliminated the human side, so that the sense of empathy and brotherhood values ​​are lost. This happens because adherents of radical understandings have received a doctrine of violence, takfiri and jihad which are misdirected.

Ironically, there are figures who continue to corner the government by making accusations that the stabbing action against Wiranto was fabricated.

Even though mass organizations that are against Pancasila have been disbanded, their ideology still resides and still wants to enforce the Khilafah, even though it must use acts of terror or violence.

The spread of radical understanding in Indonesia also occurs in social media, this is due to the large number of Indonesians accessing da’wah content on the internet compared to the ulama who hold recitation in the village.

If radicals teach violence, it is certainly not in accordance with the teachings of Islam, because Islam has the meaning of peace, and Islamic Da’wah aims to spread love and kindness, not an attitude of mutual hatred and hurt.

)* The author is a social political observer

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