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Beware of Ex HTI Maneuvers


By: Hananta) *

Although the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) organization has been disbanded, the patterns and movements are still the same, even in several demonstrations, the HTI flag is still flying, so we should be vigilant and not let our guard down.

After the dissolution of HTI, its followers are suspected of still spreading their influence to society. The pattern of maneuvering movements is in the form of movements that try to replace the Pancasila ideology with the Islamic caliphate.

Previously, KH Ali M Abdillah, Deputy Secretary of the Research and Research Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), said that individuals who spread the ideology of the caliphate must be dealt with firmly so that the ideology does not grow and develop in society.

According to Ali, as an institution, the HTI mass organizations have indeed been disbanded, but apparently the disbandment has not stopped them from spreading their ideology and recruiting members quietly.

He admitted that he received reports that HTI activists were still influencing the community, HTI magazine “Kaffah” was also still circulating. Even HTI also had time to make maneuvers when commemorating the new year 1 Muharram 1441 Hijriah.

The ex-HTI, according to Ali, also continues to spread narratives to influence and gain public sympathy and attack those who oppose it. For example, people who took issue with the black flag inscribed with the phrase tauhid, which is actually the flag of HTI, were accused of being anti-Islam.

Ali assessed that even though the HTI’s head had been beheaded, his legs were still here and there. He also felt sad about the movement to spread the ideology of the caliphate. Even though the container was closed, their movements didn’t diminish at all. The recitation continues to move, each congregation is obliged to recruit new members.

On a different occasion, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that the Indonesian people who are Muslim should not bring the understanding of the caliphate into our national life. Because this violates the existing agreements in the form of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia.

He also emphasized that the caliphate was rejected in Indonesia because it violated the agreement, not because he was not Islamic. Therefore, an Indonesian Muslim must be a Muslim who is both nationalist and religious. If there is someone who dichotomizes it, it is certain that he does not understand the context of religion and nationality.

Meanwhile, (plt) Rector of the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Dr.Phil. Sahiron Syamsudin. He said that in Indonesia, there are groups of people who are eager to kick Pancasila and replace it with the ideology they brought from Palestine.

He said that what the pro-khilafah-Islamiyah group thought was not necessarily the understanding followed by Muslims in Indonesia, even though the guise they brought was the label of Islam.

In a different place, the Deputy MWC NU, Gondang Wetan Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, Kiai Muhammad Zuhdi, gave a special message to the NU congregation not to let their guard down against groups that want to change the ideology of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his brief tausiah, Kiai Zuhdi emphasized that we should always be aware of both communism and Khilafah advocates, for example, ex-HTI, which even though it was dissolved by the PTUN, they still exist in making movements that want to replace Pancasila.

He also mentioned that the former HTI movement in carrying out its propaganda activities often dragged the Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Aswaja) label and dragged the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) label. Unfortunately, these labels are only a cover.

Moreover, part of their movement has entered the sphere of state institutions. The state should have anticipated them well so that they do not reproduce and become a separate stumbling block for the existence of the Republic of Indonesia in the future.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) expert Lathifa Marina Al Anshory said that the support group for the Islamic caliphate state system and ideology is currently working on collaborating with influencers who have many subscribers in

Lathifa received information that figures who tend to support the caliphate and agree to the establishment of the caliphate, they approach young people and influencers. He considered that this approach was part of a strategy to strengthen their narratives and figures on social media and various other platforms.

Those who bear the caliphate tend to clash between religion and culture in the archipelago. In fact, a person can remain religious well even though he still holds the cultural wisdom of the archipelago. Do not let existing local wisdom be damaged by ideologies that have been rejected by the Republic of Indonesia, such as the notion of the caliphate.

) * The author is a citizen, active in takmir musholla in Jakarta

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