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Beware of Radicalism in the Neighborhood


By: Aiman ​​Sudrajat *

We certainly know that the establishment of places of worship such as mosques is for Muslims to fulfill their obligation to pray and perform various other religious activities, to draw closer to the Creator spiritually. The mosque is absorbed from the word yasjudu which means to prostrate and worship. However, some time ago, the place of worship had been used by certain groups to spread radicalism which was completely at odds with Pancasila.

The spread of radical ideas in the mosque was also made clear by research conducted by Alissa Wahid, where in June 2018, he stated that there were 40 mosques in Jakarta that were exposed to radicalism. Although the survey kept the name of the mosque a secret, some government agencies claimed to have the data. Suhardi Alius as Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) said that his party had discovered that radicalism in the mosque had been detected since 2012.

A similar thing was obtained by the Wahid Foundation Community Development Leader Team for Peace. It got the facts of the field because they have focused on researching religious freedom in Indonesia since 2008. One of the variables used to declare a mosque has been exposed to radicalism, including the medium of da’wah, mosques used by radical groups to provoke, propagate and peak recruit members.

Seeing this case, of course the leader of the mosque or takmir of the mosque has a vital role. Because he has the authority to receive da’i and da’wah material delivered to the worshipers of his mosque.

Mosques that have been exposed to radicalism must be immediately cleaned up, because this is something that endangers the integrity of the nation and the continuity of the NKRI. So the most important thing now is to maintain places of worship such as mosques from the efforts of a handful of groups that try to change the country’s foundation, including radicalism.

Communities need to increase their vigilance because the spread of radicalism has used technology such as social media. The National Police, BNPT, TNI and all religious leaders certainly need to increase synergy to make deradicalisation efforts to prevent the spread of radical teachings in the community.

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) also gave details that there were 11 mosques in the ministry, 11 institutional mosques, and 21 state-owned mosques exposed to radicalism. Even one of them is in the severe category.

Halili as Director of the Setara Institute, revealed that radicalism in Indonesia occurred as a result of inheritance on regime change in the reform era. Post-reform there are unclear boundaries of freedom with the protection of public arenas from ideological infiltration, so groups that have radical understandings feel more free to use the freedom to use mosques, schools, places of education, and universities as a place to spread their doctrine. It was this euphoria of reform which later became the way in which new types of religious models came from abroad.

One example is the Takfiri doctrine. This doctrine can call other people who disagree as infidels. The nature of adherents to this doctrine is the tendency to be exclusive, so that adherents can be called allergies to different religious identities with them. This then fosters the seeds of intolerance and triggers radicalism to terrorism. Ironically, the Setara Institute observes that mosques are instruments for giving new religious lessons.

Halili also considered that the conditions on the ground turned out to be more terrible, because there had been a strengthening of the control of radical groups in educational institutions to mosques in the last 10 years. Halili also added that his party noted an increase in radicalism in mid-2018.

Research from the Setara Institute also found the fact that mosques often served as a medium for delivering syiar hatred to groups who did not disagree, takfiri, to call for the fight against infidels. This is what Setara Institute calls the seed of radicalism.

In the research also stated that the number of radicals was not much, but their sympathizers were not small in number. One factor is the use of the internet, especially social media, which is very fast in disseminating information.

The indicators used to find out about a mosque exposed to radicalism are who gave lectures, lecture material, and the mosque network. In addition to the government or ministry environment mosques, mosques in campus environments are also included as places that are prone to exposure to radicalism. Because the absence of mosque administrators makes the selection of speakers tend to follow the trend of religious teachers.

The public must be aware that the Indonesian nation’s founding father is not playing games to unite various ethnic groups, religions and languages ​​into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, so it is truly a fool if radicalism is used as a tool to keep the people from the values ​​of the Pancasila. from jihad.

Their actions have tarnished the Pancasila ideology that has been formulated by the founding father of the NKRI. Don’t we see that it is they who can make Indonesian unity divided. The Indonesian Mosque Council also requested that the Khatib no longer convey radical messages and hatred in his lecture. Because the utterance of hate is the first seed of radicalism movements or actions.

Efforts to deal with radicalism certainly cannot be done alone by the government. The community certainly must take a role to avoid understanding radicalism in places of worship. Especially if there is a group that invites them to be intolerant towards groups with different beliefs.

* The author is an observer of the problem of terrorism

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