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Beware of Separatist Group Maneuvers Disturb PON XX Papua


By: Agoes Abidin )*

The XX XX National Sports Week (PON) in Papua is getting closer, the Indonesian government continues to complete preparations for the implementation of the sporting event, both in terms of infrastructure, Human Resources (HR) and in the security sector. Awareness of disturbances from the Armed Separatist Criminal Group (KKSB) of Papua was increased to secure PON XX, due to the emergence of indications that the intense actions of shootings, attacks, violence against citizens and officials in the Papua region, one of them because they wanted to thwart PON XX.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw said that his party was investigating the alleged effort to abolish PON by the KKSB, considering that in the last few days shootings in several areas had caused fatalities.

According to Waterpauw, if the KKB really tried to thwart the implementation of the PON, the police would not remain silent and would take firm action against the group.

To note, armed clashes between the Free Papua separatist group and Indonesian security forces continue to occur. On Monday morning (9/3), a TNI member was killed after the Jila Koramil post, Mimika, was shot by KKSB. Dandim Mimika Lt. Col. Pio Nainggolan explained that a member was hit by a bullet when he was about to pray at dawn and died a few hours later in the hospital. Lieutenant Colonel Nainggolan said the joint military and police forces were now pursuing armed criminal groups who carried out the shooting.

Earlier, in February, a member of the National Police from Brimob, Bharada Doni Priyanto, was also killed by gunfire from separatists.

Meanwhile, around 1,500 residents are currently evacuated from various villages in Tembagapura, Mimika Regency. Residents felt unrest because since the arrival of the KKSB, goods and basic necessities were taken by force from local residents’ homes by members of the separatist group, even while pointing weapons at residents.

Separatist groups want to show their existence and frighten the people of Indonesia so that all government efforts to advance Papua can be thwarted, including the holding of this national standard sports party. Not only attacks and shootings, but the distribution of hoaxes became one of the separatist groups’ ways to create provocation and unrest. Why? PON XX in Papua is evidence that Papua is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). PON XX is an event to reconcile the ties of brotherhood and unity within the NKRI frame. PON XX is a manifestation of the concern of the Indonesian government to develop and advance Papua. PON XX brings many benefits for the people of Papua. This is a threat to separatist groups or pro-Papua independent groups who are very keen to get away from Indonesia.

According to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Mahfud MD, PON XX 2020 will not be disrupted by various attacks from the KKSB and will continue according to plan on October 20 to November 2 2020. The government has anticipated everything based on SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in the National Police. Mahfud believes that the National Police and the TNI are able to anticipate efforts or threats posed by the group.

The people of Bumi Cendrawasih are very happy in welcoming PON XX. Various local wisdoms began to be offered, the wheels of the economy were stretched and the beauty of the PON XX infrastructure seemed to stand majestically in Papua. In addition, solidarity and nationalism grew among Papuans who were very enthusiastic about welcoming PON XX in their region.

The great hope of the community is that the national agenda can take place smoothly and safely. For this reason, the people and security forces must increase their vigilance and maintain conduciveness in the land of Papua. Don’t let armed separatist criminal groups destroy the desire of Papuans to show the world that Papua can hold national-standard events in this republic. ()

*) Social and Political Observer

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