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Beware of the Doctrine of Radicalism Among Children


By: Teguh Pribadi) *

At times like these, parents must be very vigilant, because radicalism has targeted not only young people but also young children. The terrorists are aware that children are easier to force themselves into radicalism because they are still innocent. Before sending children to educational institutions, parents must examine in detail, whether the foundation or the teacher involved with radicals.

Indonesian people were shocked when there was news about kindergarten children in Probolinggo who were marching in black costumes complete with face masks and toy guns, like a group of terrorists. The brand denounced the action and asked if there were no other clothes? This event is also a reminder that actually the teachings of the radicals have penetrated to the level of children.

Radicals are always looking for ways to smooth their actions and spread their teachings which are misleading. When students are hard-pressed to become members because of tight supervision from the campus, they move and target young children. You do this by creating a learning institution, child care, PAUD, and kindergarten that usually breathe religious, so that it attracts many people. The innocent children who become students there are certainly easier to be brainwashed, because they certainly believe the words of the teacher.

The kindergarten boy was not taught to sing my balloons and there were five of them to color the pictures, instead he was given a fairy tale about the Israeli and Palestinian wars. They were fed a story about the Zionist cruelty. Even though we know that there are not only religious conflicts but also the state, and the news reaching Indonesia is still confusing, so it cannot be 100 percent trusted. After all, fairy tales like that are certainly scary for small children who are still innocent.

In addition, the characteristics of kindergartens and educational institutions for children who are connected with radicals are that they never hold a flag ceremony, even if only once a year when on the 17th of August. Students have also never been invited to sing Indonesia Raya songs and other national songs. There is not even an extra curricular music or drum band there because they think that music is haram.

Not only that. The teacher in the kindergarten or playgroup also never taught citizenship education, whereas usually students in kindergarten have been taught to memorize Pancasila and the names of the president and his deputies. They are also taught to be little mujahids with the lure of heaven, and allow violence by bombing. The poison of that thought is certainly very dangerous for children who can swallow it raw.

Radicalism which has targeted young children certainly makes us vigilant. Do not let the wrong choice when leaving the child in daycare or choosing PAUD and Kindergarten schools. First look at the background of the foundation and also the profile of the teachers. Now we can find it easily on Google, so know whether they are included in the radical group or not. Because if it’s already certainly make children lose their sense of nationalism and instead become a potential terrorist. Really terrible, right?

When going to enroll a child in kindergarten or PAUD, then don’t just fill out a form and then pay a tuition fee and tuition. But take advantage of trial classes, so you know what is taught there. If there really isn’t such a trial class, try lobbying and seeing the learning process for several days. Research each room in the kindergarten or PAUD building. Usually if it belongs to radical foundations, there are no garuda displays and photos of the president and his deputies, because they disagree with the principles of Pancasila and hate the current government.

Radicalism has been targeted at the level of kindergarten and terrorists are targeting innocent children to be their targets. The children can be taught radical understanding and invited to reject nationalism. Be careful when choosing kindergarten, PAUD, or child care, because if the foundation is the property of ISIS sympathizers or radicals, it will be very dangerous.

) * The author is a Student of IISIP Jakarta

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