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Beware of the Potential of the Radical Movement Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President


By: Muhammad Zaki )*

Towards the day of the inauguration which only had to count these fingers, calls for awareness of the radicalism movement continued to arrive. Because, these days are considered prone to be infiltrated by radical groups to show their existence.

Various invitations and appeals to continue to be careful and be aware of deviant groups with radical ideas continue to increase. As the Inauguration is only 4 days left. Not the intention to make anxiety, but so that all citizens are still able to be neutral and not be provoked by the flow of these elements. Because, this radical understanding is still commonly found in the homeland, also many people are easily exposed to this kind of understanding.

Appeals for opponents of the leftist movement came from FKUB (Forum for Religious Harmony), Pekalongan City. This forum invites the public to participate in counteracting all forms of radicalism and to increase vigilance ahead of the inauguration of 20 October.

Achmad Marzuki, as the Chairperson of FKUB in Pekalongan City said that the 2019 Presidential Election has been completed and is running democratic, fair, honest and transparent. Therefore, it invites the public to maintain the security and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and reject any efforts as well as any party that will mobilize demonstrations or other movements that smell of radicalism.

He considered if the movement would violate the rules so that people do not need to carry out activities which involve many people in the direction of the interests of certain groups. He also said that the FKUB of Pekalongan had given a number of information to the followers regarding the possibility of the movement of the left-leaning people, as well as facing it. His party has also coordinated with the National Police and the TNI, along with the Regional Government to anticipate the possibility of demonstrations that will make a bad image for the nation and the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

The spread of the danger of this understanding is not only through the community but also to the digital world such as social media (social media). FKUB Pekalongan, will also always play an active role in overcoming the problem because it does not rule out the understanding that radicalism will spread to all lines of society. Furthermore, his party also invited the residents not to be easily pitted by the parties concerned. So that we can keep this country in the frame of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which remains diverse and has the ideology of Pancasila.

On the other hand, the call to reject radicalism also came from Bima Arya, as the mayor of Bogor. He appealed and invited all lines of society to support and succeed the inauguration momentum of Jokowi – Ma’ruf 20 October. This he conveyed in securing the situation ahead of this state agenda. He stated that the community rejects all instructions related to radicalism, anarchism and terrorism from irresponsible parties, through invitations on social networks and leaflets. He hopes that we will be able to maintain conduciveness. So that we can welcome the inauguration of the President with joy and strengthen our togetherness.

Meanwhile, in order to face the heated Indonesian political situation, Jokowi’s volunteers gathered together to hold discussions and consolidate to help secure the current Polemic situation. The Insurer of the Jokowi Voluntary Alliance (ARJ), R. Haidar Alwi said if his party appealed to the public to remain vigilant about the emergence of a radical movement that was considered dangerous to Jokowi. So that it will be able to realize the conduciveness and smoothness of the inauguration procession. He explained if his party would be loyal and support Jokowi unconditionally. He also hopes that the peak of the democratic party will run smoothly and there will be no interference at all.

He also added that if Jokowi had been installed, he was confident that he would be able to develop this country and that Indonesia would be more advanced in the future, prosperous and prosperous for its people to become Asian Tigers. He also stated that he should keep his spirit and defend Jokowi and take part in guarding and protecting Jokowi in the government for the next 5 years.

With the many appeals related to this issue, let us strengthen our mentality to fight the radicalism movement to maintain the integrity and unity of the Republic of Indonesia, especially ahead of the inauguration of the President and Vice President-elect, Jokowi-Ma’ruf on 20 October. Hopefully everything can run smoothly and they are able to carry out the mandate with maximum optimism.

)* The author is a social political observer

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