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Bocimi Toll Will Boost Jokowi’s Electability


By: Ridwan Nursalim *

Sukabumi is expected to provide up to 60 percent of the votes, the electability of Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin began to increase in the city. At the moment, the acquisition of support while number 1 candidate pair is in the range of 50 percent.

            “Sukabumi began to rise. There is enthusiasm. Which used to lose a lot, now it’s the same. Hopefully tomorrow will rise again. In Sukabumi around 50 percent still draw. But tomorrow, in the past few days, we hope that it will rise quickly, ”said Ma’ruf Amin.

            He targets 60 percent of the votes. The target is considered to be something that is not grandiose considering that Sukabumi people have rational characteristics. According to him, the progress of the acceleration of infrastructure development in the Jokowi era is quite influential on the increase in electility. In the future, Ma’ruf and his partner will continue to drive development progress in Sukabumi in various sectors.

            “Yes, I think Sukabumi must be more rational, more able to see the reality of efforts to improve. We want Sukabumi to continue to be better in the future with infrastructure development and then the development of its HR. We, I, and Pak Jokowi promised to develop progress in Sukabumi which had actually begun, “said Maufuf.

            The development of the Bogor – Ciawi – Sukabumi (BOCIMI) Toll Road is also believed by the vice president Ma’ruf Amin as the electability booster for Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin in Sukabumi. According to him, a significant increase in electability in Sukabumi must be a capital for the contestation of the April 2019 Election to be able to gain up to 60 percent more votes.

            “Certainly (Tol Bocimi is influential). So I said, this is a good start. (Tol Bocimi) which has not been developed for a long time. But since Pak Jokowi has started, “said Maufuf.

            For the sake of the survival of an area, of course infrastructure development is something important. Because with the existing development it will add opportunities for the progress of an area. Infrastructure development also has an impact on increasing employment. In addition, access to get to a place will be easier so that it will accelerate the process of transporting goods from both inside and outside the region that can increase the economic wheelchair activity of the region.

            On a different occasion President Jokowi once emphasized the importance of infrastructure development for a country to face the era of competition in the future.

“This country needs infrastructure. Without it, don’t dream of being able to compete. Don’t dream if there is no airport power station, port, “said Jokowi.

Therefore, the Government under the auspices of Joko Widodo is currently focusing on infrastructure development throughout the country. Starting from the construction of toll roads, railway lines, to the construction and expansion of airports and ports.

“Building the smallest border is very important. I always convey to the Minister of Public Works that it must be at least twice as good. It’s a matter of pride and dignity. Is the period losing with a neighboring country? “

However, the President said that the government’s hard work must be followed by support from the community. However, at present the President considers that there are still many people who are not aware of the programs being carried out by the government.

“Tell the public that we have worked day and night, Saturday – Sunday to complete the real needs of the community,” he said.

The former mayor of Solo has built a 782 kilometer toll road that has been completed for 4 years. So that land transportation access can cut time faster.

“In eastern Indonesia, in Papua, roads are damaged like this a lot. The time of only 120 kilometers takes two or three days to arrive. Must stay overnight, must cook on the road. This is the importance of infrastructure, “said Joko Widodo.

Although development in Papua was hampered due to armed criminal groups, it did not discourage the Government from continuing to develop Papua and other regions in Indonesia so that they could be connected to each other.

Infrastructure development that is evenly distributed throughout the archipelago is carried out in the hope that connectivity between regions will be increased. Connectivity between regions will in turn unite all regions in the country so as to increase the spirit of unity and unity. * The author is a Social Media Activist

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