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Concerning Papua, Veronika Koman Lied and Escaped from the Legal Process


By: Abner Wanggai )*

The appearance of the controversial figure Veronika Koman after the Papua conflict subsided is considered by a number of parties to reheat. Because he is not only entangled in a variety of cases, he is also considered to spread hoaxes, escape, debt to the state to support Papuan separatists. Including data about Papuan separatist groups submitted is questionable.

Who doesn’t know Veronika Koman, Vero is usually called. This native Indonesian woman is well-versed when highlighting cases of conflict related to Papuans. He is keen to upload provocative and sensitive content from the Earth of Paradise and cornering the government. Unfortunately, he must be named a suspect, because his activities are considered to violate a number of laws. In line with Benny Wenda, a Papuan separatist frontman, Vero also fled to Australia to hide.

Now, Vero reappears by dragging a number of propaganda as well as new issues. This news emerged when President Jokowi was on a trip to Canberra. Veronika Koman forced the Indonesian government to immediately release the Papuans who were arrested after being considered committing a riot when they staged a demonstration some time ago. He also threatened to hand over various data that could ensnare Indonesia to admit his mistakes.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD considered that Veronica Koman activists and lawyers as Indonesian citizens were breaking promises. Because, he is a student as well as a citizen who received a scholarship in the country, but considered Mahfud, refused to go home.

Veronika, who is still a suspect in a suspected case of spreading hoaxes and provocative content over the attack on the Papuan Student dormitory, is considered hiding through Australian authorities. In fact, according to Mahfud MD, his party has explained the matter of Veronica Koman to the Australian Government.

However, it seems that Vero defended himself, he said the determination of the suspect by the East Java Regional Police to himself was an attempt by the Indonesian Government to destroy its credibility. He argued that if Indonesia could not dispute the data and the video footage and photos he had, they could only attack his credibility.

Regarding the data of political prisoners submitted by Vero, the President’s Special Staff for Early Law Shanti Purwono has denied the statement of human rights lawyer Veronica Koman who made the claim of submitting documents containing the names of Papuan political prisoners to President Joko Widodo. The document was reportedly submitted during Jokowi’s visit to Canberra, Australia.

Dini asserted that the court had never received any documents relating to the names of political prisoners and Papuan deaths. He made sure the information conveyed by Veronica was wrong.

Previously, through a written statement Veronica stated that it had submitted a number of documents containing the names and locations of dozens of Papuan political prisoners to Jokowi through a team in Canberra. Veronica stated, Jokowi had released five Papuan political prisoners at the beginning of the 2015 leadership period. However, at the beginning of the second period at this time, there were 57 people charged with treason awaiting trial. This step is considered to only worsen the conflict situation in Papua.

Apart from all the reports, Veronika Koman is a suspect who must be held accountable for her actions. Instead of escaping to the land of kangaroos for study reasons. Vero, who is considered lawless, certainly does not need to be heard. Moreover, about the data submitted, the data must not be questioned. Considering, what Vero was only highlighting was the victim, he forgot that there were also many officers in charge there.

Not only that, Vero was judged to have avoided the law, being in debt to the state to indications of working with separatist groups to separate from the Republic of Indonesia. But as we know, this separatist group is quite vocal in voicing Papuan independence. Which is identical with extreme behavior. They did not hesitate to torture to kill Papuans in order to streamline their objectives.

If so is this Veronika comman supported? Moreover, his efforts indicate other goals. Namely the disintegration of Papua from the archipelago. Even though the international world has declared this separatist group an illegal organization for the use of weapons and their supplies. Moreover, Vero was keen to raise human rights issues, even though he forgot that the TNI / Polri were also human. The cornered security apparatus were also victims. On the way they were attacked, killed to the post and were tortured blindly by this separatist group. Veronika is in coman, can she still talk about human rights if she is just lame?

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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