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Decisive Actions for Anarchist Demonstrations in the Job Creation Law


By: Made Raditya ) *

The demonstration against the Job Creation Law for 3 days in a row left a sad story. Many public facilities were damaged, from bus stops to police stations. The demonstrators could argue that it was not workers who did it, but anarcho. Whoever the perpetrator, must be dealt with firmly.

When there was news that the workers were going to hold a demonstration against the omnibus law, the Indonesian Police had issued a prohibition letter. Because demonstrations during the Covid pandemic are of course very dangerous. However, the masses were still determined to hold demonstrations, and even committed acts of violence by destroying the DPRD building, throwing them and destroying bus stops.

National Police Commissioner Pudji Hartanto stated that he would take firm action against the protesters who committed anarchist acts. Apart from exceeding the limit, brutal protesters could be charged under Law No. 9 of 1998. Because actually activities to convey aspirations during a demonstration cannot be anarchist.

Pudji added that even though all the apparatus who were securing the demonstration tried to forcefully drive the masses away, they acted patiently. In that sense, this demonstration activity was disbanded, in addition to avoiding acts of anarchy, it also saved demonstrators from the threat of the new corona cluster.

Pudji’s statement answered the community’s question, why were demonstrators arrested. Actually, this arrest is not meant to imprison them. However, to prevent the demonstrators from becoming anarchy. If any public facilities are damaged or even burned, of course the state will be the ones to lose and the local government will replace it.

Maybe the people are afraid that the arrests of demonstrators are similar to the events in 1998. When there was a demonstration to impeach Suharto, students and activists were arrested. But now it is impossible for that to happen, because after the reformation we have become a very open country and try to be democratic.

The arrests of anarchic protesters were actually intended to provide a deterrent effect on them. When they were secured, they were no longer fierce and admitted their mistake at that time , namely destroying public facilities. This kind of vandalism cannot be tolerated, because it has deviated far from the core of the show of mercury, namely conveying the aspirations of the people.

The demonstrators who were secured were also subject to a rapid test . The results were expected, of the hundreds of protesters tested, 12 showed reactive results. They were immediately asked for self-isolation, and even better for the swab test initiative at a leading hospital.

Prosecution was also held not only for demonstrators, but also for provocateurs. It is suspected that there is a mastermind behind this demonstration, which resulted in many demonstrations. The police are trying hard to find out who is the person riding the labor demonstration, so they dare to take to the streets even though it is still a pandemic period.

Investigation is not only carried out in the real world but also in cyberspace. Cyber ​​police are busy monitoring the status on Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and others. so it will be found out who spreads negative issues about the omnibus law, so that the workers dare to demonstrate and go on strike ma ssal for 3 days.

If caught, the provocateurs could get caught in the ITE Law and face up to 5 years in prison. Screenshot proof of their status is sufficient to bring them to court. Unfortunately, social media is not used for positive purposes. However, it was even misused as an arena for provocation and incited many people to demonstrate.

If any demonstrators are arrested and dealt with firmly, the public is asked not to panic. They are only required to be accountable for their damage to public facilities. This arrest is also intended as a deterrent effect. So that they give up their next demonstration and no longer dare to burn down the police station and destroy public facilities.

) * The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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