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Derivative Regulations on the Ciptaker Law Encourage the Growth of MSMEs


By: Ahmad Kurniawan) *
The Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations are a savior for MSME entrepreneurs. The reason is because there are various facilities offered by the government, ranging from easy licensing to free of charge. So that UMKM entrepreneurs will be helped and be able to save their business from bankruptcy status.
So far, MSMEs have lived on Monday and Thursday, because people’s purchasing power decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the existence of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations, they will be helped. Because there are regulations that facilitate their steps in running their business. When doing business, they are no longer hampered by confusing bureaucracy.
The Job Creation Law will be complemented by derivative regulations, in the form of 44 government regulations and presidential regulations. In this derivative regulation, we will discuss in more detail the implementation of the Job Creation Law. So that this law can be implemented, without any obstacle from anywhere.
The derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law have not been formalized, but President Jokowi promised that government regulations and presidential regulations would be issued soon. When it has been inaugurated, the community will benefit, especially UMKM entrepreneurs. Because in this derivative regulation, there are various facilities provided to UMKM entrepreneurs.
First, UMKM entrepreneurs will receive facilities in the form of free licensing fees. Previously, they were going to take care of legality, they had to make an HO permit which cost millions of rupiah. But now the permit is even 100% free. UMKM entrepreneurs are working together to process permits so that their business is legal and recognized by the state.
In addition, in the draft PP, it is stated that licensing via online. So that entrepreneurs can get legality armed with devices, internet networks, scans of KTP, KK, and other important documents. Then just fill in the form and if approved, the permit will come out within 7 working days.
Licensing in the Job Creation Law is risk-based, so that low-risk MSME entrepreneurs will find it very easy to make legality. They only need to make an NIB (business license number), no longer an HO license. So that with this NIB, the business is considered legal and has the support of the Cooperatives and UKM Service.
When their efforts are recorded by the Dinas, it will be easy to get guidance. The government is indeed aggressively providing assistance to MSME entrepreneurs in the form of assistance. For example education about internet marketing, building sites for promotion, marketing via social media (FB, IG, Tiktok), etc.
Marketing education via the internet is carried out through third parties. So that it will be more profitable for many people. Both UMKM entrepreneurs and their teachers. In addition, when UMKM entrepreneurs have entered the Dinas circle, it will be easier to get networking from fellow businessmen.
In addition to free permits, MSME entrepreneurs will be facilitated when applying for halal certificates. Certificates can be obtained more easily, without breaking the rules. There is still testing whether the product is truly halal. Then this certificate can be obtained without having to wait for months, and it is also free.
The various facilities offered by the government, which are listed in the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations, will make the steps for MSME entrepreneurs easier. They will get business legality and then confidently continue their business. When selling on the side of the road, you don’t need to be afraid when you meet the authorities, because the business already has a license.
Legality is also one of the conditions for exporting goods. UMKM entrepreneurs can expand their market overseas. They will rise from a period of suspended animation, then accelerate production and export goods smoothly. All this thanks to the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations.
The community is waiting for the inauguration of the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law. When it is inaugurated, the UMKM business will rise again and get legality easily. They can also apply for a halal certificate and the results will come out quickly. So that it gets the public’s trust and can export its products to Middle Eastern countries.

) * The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Media

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