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Discipline of Health and Vaccination Protocols Effectively Prevents Covid-19 Explosion


By: Alfisyah Dian a sari)*

The increasing number of corona patients has made the public more vigilant, because no one wants to contract this dangerous disease. The public is also advised to always be disciplined in Prokes and follow vaccinations to prevent Covid-19 explosions.

We have been struggling with the pandemic for more than a year and it feels like we are getting tired because we want to live a normal life like we used to. But strangely, many are afraid of corona but are lazy to wear masks. When they contracted the Covid-19 virus, they said that this was fate. Whereas prevention is better than cure and blaming fate is a very silly act.

The explosion in the number of corona patients lately is very worrying. In DKI Jakarta there is an increase in the number of patients up to 300%, until the Wisma Athlete Emergency Hospital is almost full. This is certainly worrying, for fear that the capital will rise to become a red zone again and will affect all sectors, from the economy to tourism.

According to data from the COVID-19 task force, as of June 10, 2021, the number of corona patients in Indonesia is 8,800 people per day. This figure is certainly very terrible, because last month the number of new patients was 5,000 people per day. The almost 2-fold increase certainly makes health workers and civilians dizzy because they are haunted by the corona.

One way to deal with the surge in corona patients is vaccination. Don’t be afraid if there is an invitation from the RT for vaccine injections at the Puskesmas, because all vaccines in Indonesia are halal by the MUI. In addition, the vaccine also has high efficacy and very minimal side effects, at least it feels a bit sore in the arm that was injected.

If there is an opportunity for self-vaccination, it is like a windfall, because the queue is very short. In addition, costs are also borne by the company. It’s free, a healthy bonus too.

Another way to avoid corona is to apply the 5M health protocol discipline. We are constantly asked to wear masks, because in addition to avoiding the Covid-19 virus, it also prevents the entry of bacteria and other viruses. So the body will be healthier.

Washing hands and carrying hand sanitizer also seems easy but is often forgotten. When entering the house, you must wash your hands before chatting with family, if necessary, wash your hair and change clothes immediately. While keeping a distance is also mandatory and don’t shake hands or kiss first.

The 4th M is reducing mobility. The increase in the number of corona patients in June is due to mass mobility last month, when many were desperate to go home or go on vacation after Eid. It is proven that community movements increase the potential for transmission of the Covid-19 virus and when it is already done, it will be very sad because they blame each other.

Of the 5M health protocols, the most frequently violated is avoiding crowds. Because Indonesian people tend to like to socialize. Don’t be desperate to make a crowd by holding a celebration or similar event, because we don’t know who has OTG status among the guests.

Avoiding crowds can also be done by shopping when the market or minimarket has just opened, so it is still quiet and safe from mass gatherings. We must know the trick, so as not to come into contact with many people and be safe from corona transmission.

The explosion in the number of corona patients makes us increase the level of vigilance, because the biggest risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus is death. If you still love your life, then you must obey the 5M health protocol. Also maintain body immunity and environmental hygiene.

)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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