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Eradicate Radicalism and Intolerance by Practicing the Value of Pancasila


By: Teguh Amirudin (Chair of the Sidoarjo Regional Independent Social Media Activists Forum)

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, radicalism and its allies continue to work in a “quiet” in a structured, systematic and massive manner.

Radicalism is a hard attitude that is contrary to the moderate attitude in religion. Radical with all forms of error that exist makes extreme behavior that assesses oneself or one’s own group most correct.

Fight Radicalism With Pancasila

Pancasila as a state ideology is a fundamental thing that must be embedded in the hearts of Indonesian citizens. However, the position of the Pancasila as the state ideology is incessantly opposed by those who have a certain understanding regarding the concept of a state.

Indonesia’s loopholes are always sought as a way to divide the nation. The envy of peaceful harmony in the midst of difference becomes something undesirable for those who cannot do the same.

All issues were triggered only to make the Indonesian people scattered. One of them is with a radical understanding without a strong and clear foundation.

For them, Pancasila as a concept of the State Ideology as well as the State Foundation is not in line with the various concepts of religious teachings as a belief so that it leads to the existence of a group of people who have the desire to replace the state ideology and the basis of the state.

Besides many ideas and concepts that are contradictory to them, the emergence of an attitude of radicalism is clearly an ideological threat to the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

Radicalism is a new understanding created by a group of people with the reason that there are religious, social and political orders and has the purpose of changing an existing understanding and ideology using attitudes and methods of violence.

The existence of an attitude of violence carried out of course becomes a very contrary to the essence of the nation’s culture contained in the Pancasila. Yet as is well known that religious values ​​are also listed in the precepts in the Pancasila especially the first principle.

Not limited to the first precepts, the five precepts in Pancasila are the character of the Indonesian nation that will never be changed. Pancasila was born with a very heavy journey. Requires sacrifice of many centuries and thousands of lives.

Only people who do not know history, who want to replace Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state. Radicalism is only a desire of other nations, who are not happy about unifying Indonesia with all its diversity.

Together, let’s strengthen the shield by strengthening the basic values ​​of the Pancasila, including fostering a sense of nationalism. With the balance between nationalism and spiritualism, the radicalism virus is expected to be prevented.

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