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Government Built infrastructure to accelerate the development in the region

President Joko Widodo visited Papua to inaugurate a number of infrastructure projects (Tuesday, 5/4/2016).

CIDISS – Since its inauguration on October 20, 2014, the government of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla has done a lot of developments. One of the visions is to build from the periphery or region area.

The social and infrastructure gap between Java and outside Java became the conversation among the people. And then, Jokowi continues to do develop region outside Java. Development is focused on road, airport and port infrastructure as well as other infrastructure that supports people mobility.

Borneo Island is adjacent to neighboring country, Malaysia. Starting from the RI-Malaysia border located in East Kalimantan province (Mahakam Hulu) and North Kalimantan (Malinau and Nunukan). While the border of RI in West Kalimantan is in Entikong, Bengkayang, Aruk with Malaysian part of Serawak, thus areas continue to be the focus of development attention.

State Border Posts (PLBN) and road infrastructure are evidence of Jokowi’s government commitment to build borders. Until 2017, Jokowi has directly inaugurated three PLBN in West Kalimantan which is Entikong, Badau, and Aruk. As a result, the cross-border post has transform into more magnificent and luxurious.

In addition, the Government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing built a parallel road border of West Kalimantan along 850 Kilometers and will be completed by the end of 2018. Although, the road will not entire be asphalt due to budget constraints of the government.

The border parallel road of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), from Nanga Badau, Entikong, Aruk, to Temajok is accessible by the end of next year. However, the road is not entirely coated with asphalt; there is also aggregate road that is solid and weatherproof.

Since independence, the attention of the government is needed and very crucial especially the road infrastructure. For the citizens in there, this is a great thing. Surely, by the new road will impact on ease of road access and mobility of citizens.

Within a year Jokowi’s administration, it is in the process of building 15 new airports in Indonesia’s outlying areas, including Miangas Airport, Manokwari, Berau, Tual, Palu, Maumere, Tarakan, Central Aceh, Wakatobi, and others.

Miangas Airport, inaugurated president Jokowi on Wednesday, 19/10/2016, became a pride for the people who live in the northernmost regions of Indonesia. By the airport, certainly more convincing the love and pride of society Miangas become part of Indonesia. Miangas Airport is located in North Sulawesi and border to Philippines.

The decrease of fuel prices in Papua has become a hot issue and news among people. However, it is fact and real. Development of inter-city roads in Papua continues to be encouraged to facilitate access of the people of Papua.

With the existence of various developments; besides aim to advance the society economy, it reflects the attitude of the government in bringing the country to the benefit of the whole society and build Indonesia from the periphery. (CF)

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