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Government Optimally Prevents Corruption of Covid-19 Social Assistance


By: Muhammad Hakim)*

The corona social assistance (social stone) has been completely circumcised by unscrupulous officials. Currently, the government is trying optimally so that no one else dares to corrupt, because consuming people’s money, especially during the pandemic, is an extraordinary crime.

When Indonesia was declared in a pandemic period, the government immediately moved quickly and provided Social Assistance (Bansos) for the poor. Some were given cash and some were given food packages. However, Bansos is still prone to fraud and the perpetrators are currently in prison.

To prevent social assistance corruption, the government is trying optimally, so that this assistance is truly given to those in need. Cooperation between the Ministry of Social Affairs as the distributor and organizer of social assistance, and the Corruption Eradication Commission, which is an anti-corruption agency, continues to be strengthened.

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini sent a letter to the National Police Headquarters and the Attorney General’s Office asking them to supervise Social Assistance, so that there is no more corruption. In addition, the woman who is familiarly called Risma, came directly to the KPK building for consultation. The arrival of the former mayor of Surabaya was certainly warmly welcomed by KPK officials.

Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, stated that Minister Risma’s arrival was for consultation, so that social assistance and other assistance from the government would be right on target. So far, assistance has been provided based on NIK, but apparently not everyone has it. So we will think about how to distribute it, so that its coverage is even wider.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the KPK Firli Bahuri stated that his party had warned the Ministry of Social Affairs (at that time Juliari Batubara was still holding). Social assistance must be accountable, so as to minimize corruption. But it turns out that he betrayed the country and played with the data, and is currently imprisoned.

To prevent further corruption, the KPK created the JAGA Bansos application. This application will receive complaints from the public, for example, they have not received social assistance even though they are classified as poor, there are those who get packages that turn out to be rich people, etc. Just a week of launch, this application has received 118 complaints.

With the application, social assistance supervision will be made easier. The performance of the application is very good and the government is grateful to the KPK because it as a state institution has carried out its functions well. Bansos corruption will be prevented and the package will reach the people without having to be circumcised again.

The government also asks the public to participate in supervising the distribution of social assistance, and does not hesitate to report via the JAGA Bansos application. If they don’t have the application, they can report directly to the social media of the KPK or the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the officers will take action later.

In addition, regional officials also control the distribution of social assistance. For example, a mayor must go directly to the distribution of basic food packages, because he is the representative of the government in the area. By going directly down, he can know what the quality of the rice is, whether there are people who have the heart to ask the people for facilitation payments, etc.

Don’t go for ABS, aka as long as you are happy, and just relax in the office when there is a social assistance distribution. Officials in the regions should understand that he is carrying out his function as an extension of the government’s arm, and participate in supervising the provision of social assistance so that it runs smoothly. At the same time to prevent corruption in the region.

Prevention of corruption in the Social Assistance for Covid-19 must be carried out, both at the central and regional governments. The collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs as the organizer of social assistance and the KPK as an anti-corruption agency has been very good. The distribution of social assistance must be monitored, so that it is truly targeted and helps the poor who are victims of the pandemic.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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