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Government Provides Tax Incentives Employers Affected by Covid-19


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

The co-19 pandemic caused many companies to collapse. The government granted the entrepreneurs’ request to receive tax incentives , because they understood that their financial situation was draining. The list of recipients of incentives has also increased.

Paying income tax, vehicle tax, and property tax, is the duty of every citizen, including entrepreneurs. The amount of tax that must be paid by each person is different. For income tax, the nominal can be 25 percent of income. If you have objections, then someone can ask for tax incentives, aka relief, so that the nominal payment is reduced than usual.

Tax incentives demanded by many people are increasing and on average those who register are entrepreneurs who have companies or SME owners (small and medium-sized businesses). They asked for tax incentives for being victims of the domino effect of the co-19 pandemic. Since the enactment of several regulations such as stay at home, social distancing, and PSBB, their business is quiet. Moreover, people put the brakes on the desire to shop, because they prioritize spending on buying groceries.

A total of 215,255 taxpayers filed tax incentives and only 90 percent was granted. The reason is that they did not complete and deposit the annual tax return some time ago, and the business did not match the business field classification. Those who are granted the request will receive tax incentives in the form of a 30 percent deposit discount, if included in the category of taxpayers who are subject to tax (income tax) 25.

The number of people who get tax incentives is increasing and this is in accordance with the regulation of the minister of finance 23 of 2020, and also regulation of the minister of finance number 44 of 2020. This regulation contains tax incentives , specifically for those affected by the co-19 pandemic.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also revealed that there were 72,869 taxpayers who received income tax facilities 21. So, there was no incentive , but the tax was directly borne by the government. There are only 9 taxpayers whose applications are rejected, because again the data is incomplete because they do not fill in the annual tax return.

The community welcomes tax incentives . They no longer worry about how to pay taxes, when the business starts to slow down and income decreases. The government’s move to issue a ministerial regulation on special tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the corona pandemic, is highly commended. This proves the attention of the government and the president understands that the financial condition of the people is shaking.

If you want to enter the list of recipients of tax incentives , you must obey the rules. All levels of society must have a tax identification number and also fill out an annual tax return. So when there is revenue for registering tax incentives , it will be granted by the Ministry of Finance. Because the data of companies and small and medium businesses are complete, they are considered valid and worthy of receiving incentives .

Even if you are not a civil servant, you are required to have a tax ID and complete your annual tax return. So that the data held by the government is complete. Moreover, if the income is not up to 3 million, then the tax is also relatively low, right? Remember the phrase ‘the wise obey the tax’. When there is a pandemic, it will be given tax breaks by the government, and will be coordinated by the ministry of finance.

Income tax that can reach 25 percent can be reduced thanks to the tax incentives . You can even propose a relief so that the tax is borne by the government. Because there is already a regulation of the minister of finance organizing it, all taxpayers can register. As long as he is obedient in filling and depositing annual tax returns and his business is included in the KLU. An orderly and tax-obedient society will surely receive relief and attention from the government.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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