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Hundreds of People hoist The Red and White Flag rejecting Intolerance and Radicalism


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

Hundreds of people who are members of the Indonesian Guard Movement (GJI) held an act of raising a thousand red and white flags across the Merdeka Palace, precisely in front of the Aspiration Park, Monas, Jakarta.

General Chairman of GJI, Boedi Djarot said our action today is to prove that there are still many people who love the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, that red and white is still there and upright fluttering with the soul and body of the Indonesian people.

He appealed to the public to participate in raising the red and white flag. Boedi added that the activity was also a form of state ideology struggle, Pancasila.

GJI also rejects any attempt to change the foundation of the state to become the Islamic Khilafah which is called for by Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Haidar Alwi who participated in the action said, we emphasize that HTI is not a religion but a very dangerous pest. For this reason, we declare that we are ready for the soul and body with the legitimate Indonesian government against the movement of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism and efforts to transform the NKRI into the Khilafah Islamiyah.

Haidar further reminded the public to be aware of the politicization of the issue of SARA. According to him there are parties who are using it to gain political power.

Haidar said, do not want to be fooled by politics that use SARA as a tool to win, to achieve the ambition of those who are thirsty for power.

So our job is to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia from the undermining of Pok Estrem. Once they are dissolved, the cells have not been destroyed. Well, these cells are infiltrated, looking for hosts to grow and develop again. Every Indonesian people to instill a love of Pancasila as a national identity and make Pancasila the only national ideology.

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