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Implement Strict Health Protocols to Prevent Covid-19 in Crowds


By: Maya Resti) *

The Covid-19 pandemic we still go through but unfortunately many people start breaking the rules. Even though in the era of adaptation to new habits, public places can be opened, it must comply with health protocols. Like everyone, you must wear a mask, wash your hands and keep your distance. In a crowded place, there needs to be awareness so that you don’t get together.

The public was excited by the news of the new Corona cluster at a restaurant in Bogor. A total of 8 employees are positive for Covid-19. It turned out that after an investigation was held, a few days ago a wedding party was held there. Even though the rules are, there can only be a marriage contract, no large-scale celebration. It is suspected that at that time Corona spread to many invited guests.

Tracking was started in order to know who attended the party and contact with how many people. Employees who have contracted Coronavirus must also be tracked . The process would take some time, because they must have been in contact with many people. This case would not have happened, if only everyone obeyed the health protocol in a crowded place.

If you really want to hold an event, you must comply with strict health protocols. For example, you must wear a mask, there is a hand washing container, and there is a distance between seats. Invited guests are also a maximum of 30 people, and include the family of the bride and groom. This protocol must be obeyed so that all survivors of the danger of Corona.

Likewise in other crowded places such as roads. Everyone is still required to adhere to health protocols. Especially now that Corona can be transmitted through the air, so it must be protected with a mask. Now people who are caught not wearing masks have to pay a minimum fine of 150,000 rupiah or social punishment as sanctions. All that in order to remain in order to obey the protocol.

Agus Pambagio, a public policy observer from the University of Indonesia stated that in fact there needs to be more supervision in the field than sanctions. Don’t just put up announcements like on wall paper, that it is mandatory to wear masks, but there are no Satpol PP officers who maintain community discipline in adhering to health protocols.

The regional government should have deployed more officers to monitor the situation. Both on the streets, markets, and public transportation. Do not let a crowd of people violate the rules of physical distancing . Efforts should also be made to increase public awareness of order. So they obeyed the protocol sincerely.

Adhering to health protocols is also easy. If you want to eat in a restaurant, wash your hands before entering the area. Make sure to adhere to the rules of keeping distance and don’t sit close together. The maximum capacity is also only 50%. If there is a crowd, better order to take home. Instead of being full and becoming a new cluster.

Nova Harivan Paloh, a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD stated that there are already many people who are orderly. But unfortunately, when you look at the streets, there are still street vendors who don’t wear masks. So hopefully everyone will remind each other if someone is negligent. In that sense, don’t just look at each other’s faults but don’t provide solutions.

The best solution, for example, is to give masks to people who are not wearing them. Cloth masks are very cheap and can be purchased practically at the online shop . Bring at least a dozen masks with you when you go outside. If you have more sustenance, also give hand sanitizers in small bottles. Also remind people to always keep their distance.

Adhering to health protocols, especially in crowds, is very important. Because now Corona is getting more violent. Do not have a crowd of people and try not to leave the house if there is no important business. For example, only out when working. May we all remember to follow protocol and survive the dangers of Corona.

) * The author is a student at Pakuan Bogor University

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