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Indonesian Optimistic Society Rises During the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Abdul Kholiq )*

Pandemic Cov i d -19 not only threatens the health of the people , but also destroyed many joints social life. However, people are optimistic that Indonesia will return bangki t as the start improvement in the trend of control Cov i d -19 in the homeland.

Some areas in Indonesia has reduced status PPKM be PPKM level 2, meaning that the policy will allow the market and Mal bu k a longer, so the decline in the level of PPKM is a great time to get ready to run back wheels of the economy, of course while heeding protocol health.

After slumping due to the Covid- 19 pandemic , the economic sector in Indonesia must adapt to all the challenges that hit. Although the COVID- 19 pandemic has had a fairly strong impact, it does not mean that in the moment of a pandemic there are no new opportunities that are open to entrepreneurs, including creative economy actors in Indonesia.

              The biggest challenge when the pandemic comes is the changing sales system in the global creative industry. If previously people bought more equipment directly, now during a pandemic there are many options we can do to send goods

              The switch to electronic transactions seems to be a challenge, especially for creative economy business players, because not all creative industry players make transactions digitally. So that guidance from the government is needed so that MSME actors can expand their marketing wings online. In addition to micro-economic problems, the maritime axis also deserves attention.              

Previously, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, had stated the urgency of the need for Indonesia to build and develop maritime power so that in time Indonesia could become the world’s maritime axis, supported by youth.

Puan’s vision, among others, emphasizes the crucial side to immediately seriously realize Indonesia’s maritime potential. Being an actual strength and empowerment is considered a momentum of awareness to realize this potential as soon as possible.

As the largest archipelagic country in the world with an area of ​​3.25 million square kilometers, with 70 percent of its territory being ocean, Indonesia has a variety of marine resources. There are at least 11 marine economic sectors, which if executed properly will boost the economy.

              Moreover, Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world which has the potential to become the World Maritime Axis. The World Maritime Axis aims to make Indonesia a large, strong and prosperous maritime country through restoring Indonesia’s identity as a maritime nation, safeguarding maritime interests and security, empowering maritime potential to realize Indonesia’s economic equality.

              One of the pillars of the world’s maritime axis is the commitment to encourage the development of maritime infrastructure and connectivity by building sea highways, sea ports, logistics and shipping industry, as well as maritime tourism.

              Indonesia has a vast landscape and extraordinary natural resources from various sectors such as agriculture, food, energy and maritime which can be utilized. The management and utilization of the Maritime Sector must be carried out in a responsible manner, in order to maintain the sovereignty, sustainability and welfare of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. With the maritime axis, of course, it is hoped that it can become an economic driver during the pandemic because this sector has many wheels that can be moved.             

              In addition to strengthening the maritime axis, local wisdom is also deemed necessary to be applied, for example, such as the socialization of health protocols which are translated into local languages. Of course, the socialization banner can be installed in a strategic place. One of the local wisdoms that can be applied is “Jogo Tonggo” or taking care of neighbors, one of the principles of jogo tonggo is mutual cooperation.

              The condition of the people who are confirmed positive for Covd -19, of course, cannot go in and out of the house, so that healthy neighbors and neighbors who are not exposed to Covd -19, can send food by hanging them on the fence or placing them in front of the house without having to meet the owner of the house to avoid transmission.

              With social restrictions, of course, it will reduce the intensity of traveling, one of which is a trip to the market to shop, so that people in the village must take advantage of the natural resources that exist to be used as food raw materials.

              Covd -19 has indeed hit all sectors, both big and small, both health and the economy. So that the handling of the Covid- 19 pandemic must synergize and be in harmony between the handling in the health sector and the economic sector, of course by continuing to use the local wisdom approach of the local community so that socialization related to health protocols can be easily understood.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusantara Reading Room

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