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Job Creation Law, Solutions to Overcome Unemployment


By: Raavi Ramadhan )*

Pademi covid-19 brought victims to some people, because they had to be laid off. The company they took shelter in was losing money, so all employees had to be laid off. To overcome the flood of unemployment, the government passed the Job Creation Law, which would have a positive domino effect and they would find jobs again.

Millions of unemployed have only emerged during a pandemic. This is certainly a headache, because it can bring up several new problems. People’s purchasing power has decreased because they do not have money, to simply buy a packet of nasi padang. When the purchasing power decreases, it will have a negative effect on the market, because it can slow down the wheels of the country’s economy.

Apart from that, unemployment also creates social problems. Because they are required to get a bite of rice, but have lost their source of income. Finally I work odd jobs. When no one gives jobs anymore, unemployed people who are crazy can steal, because they are confused about how to get milk money for their children.

These problems will be solved by a potent drug called the omnibus law of the Job Creation Act. This law has a positive domino effect, thereby reducing unemployment and overcoming social and economic problems in the community. Although it will take several months, we must be optimistic that there will be good changes in Indonesia.

In the Job Creation Law there is an investment cluster that makes it easier for foreign investors to enter Indonesia. Even before this law was enacted, 135 foreign companies were already entering our country. They are happy because there is clarity of regulations in Indonesia and ease of licensing, so they are sure to build a new factory.

If there is a new factory, unemployment will be absorbed. Because the industry being built is a labor-intensive type of industry, which requires a lot of workers. The unemployed will change their status to become employees. They are relieved because they have a monthly salary and can adequately provide for their families.

The Job Creation Law also has an MSME cluster and an ease of doing business cluster. If the unemployed want to turn into traders, then they don’t need to take care of complicated HO permits. Because in this law, licensing will be risk-based. If it is a low-risk business such as an ordinary shop, it is enough for an ordinary license, not a nuisance permit that must pay a high fee.

When there is business legality, this small-scale businessman can use it to apply for credit to a bank or finance company. Because licensing is one of the conditions, apart from KTP and other important documents. They can open a more complete shop, thanks to additional capital from the bank, and attract more buyers.

In addition, this licensing is also important if you are going to export goods. Because partners abroad always require it. Unemployed people who turn to become entrepreneurs of textiles or other goods to be exported will be relieved, because they no longer have problems in obtaining permits. Because it only takes a maximum of 7 working days to get it, and it can be managed online.

So the unemployed will be able to choose, to continue to be employees or switch to become business people. All of this depends on the passion and opportunity in sight. They can work anywhere and get halal money. All roads will be made easier thanks to the Job Creation Law. Because there is clarity of regulations and red tape in the field.

The existence of the Job Creation Law is beneficial because it reduces unemployment. Investors who enter and build new manufacturing plants will attract many workers. Apart from that, this law also makes business licensing easier. Unemployed people who are bored and turn into businessmen will get business legality and facilitate future performance.

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