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KPK Examine 3966 Mine Permit License

KPK is currently evaluating mining permits totaling 3966 licenses (IUP).
KPK is currently evaluating mining permits totaling 3966 licenses (IUP).

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The corruption eradication Commission (KPK) is currently evaluating the troubled mining permits. Totally, 3966 mining business license (IUP) which do not meet the status of “clean and clear” through the coordination function of supervision (korsup), which is conducted in together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral resources and the Ministry of the Interior.

Agus Rahardjo, KPK Chairman, in a press conference in the building of KPK, Jakarta initially said that there are approximately 5000 IUP, and already more 1000 resolved. So there are 3966 IUP which remains to be resolved until May 2016 and accompanied by the Ministry of Mineral Resources.

If there are any indications of corruption, then the KPK will process and IUP will be ending of granted. So, KPK reminds for troubled IUP need to be resolved immediately. It is according to rule of ministry of Mineral Resources No. 32 year 2015 about changes to the regulation of the Minister of Mineral Resources No. 32 year 2013 on an Ordinance Granting special permission in the field of Mineral and Coal Mining.

The press conference was also attended by the Minister of Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, Representative of the Coalition of anti Mafia mining, Pius Ginting and Deputy Prevention KPK Pahala Nainggolan. They attend regular meetings Korsup management of Mineral and coal. It has been going on since 2011 and “Kick Off Meeting” korsup energy 2016.

In addition, the meeting that was also attended by 21 Governor of the 32 provinces was present, except for DKI Jakarta and Bali which have no Mineral and coal. (*)

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