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Law Create Work To Raise Property Sector


By: Savira Ayu) *

The property world was hit hard by the effects of the corona storm, because people’s purchasing power had actually decreased. The government helps property entrepreneurs with the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations, and even receives input before the regulation is promulgated. So that the problem of licensing will be made easier and the property world will improve.

For almost a year we have been in the midst of a choking covid-19 pandemic. Almost all sectors are paralyzed, from the economy, tourism, culinary to property. Even though the property business needs a very large turnover of money, because the capital is also high. When housing and apartments do not sell well, entrepreneurs bite their fingers.

Property entrepreneurs represented by the Indonesian Real Estate Central Executive Board (REI) audited the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo. They discussed Indonesia’s property opportunity sector. Bamsoet, Bambang Soesatyo’s nickname, stated that the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations could revive the property sector in Indonesia.

Bamsoet continued, the government is drafting derivative regulations (in the form of draft government regulations and presidential regulations) the Job Creation Law as a legal umbrella. He also asked REI to provide input, so that the draft government regulation would be better.

REI, consisting of chairman Paulus Totok Lusida, deputy chairman Ikang Fawzi and Hari Ganie, and Secretary General Amran Nukman provided input on derivative regulations for the Job Creation Law. REI has formed a team to review RPP, and from the results of their research, there are some that are somewhat burdensome.

Paulus revealed that there was an article in the RPP that became the focus of REI, namely in the PUPR sector, namely the sale and purchase agreement. If the conditions are land certificate and several other matters, then there is a concern that the developer will take too long to market the property. So he gave input, land certificates can be substituted for land ownership certificates.

Bamsoet accepts REI’s input and will make it easy for them. In this sense, property entrepreneurs have been struggling because of the low purchasing power of the people. Then the government will make derivative rules of the Job Creation Law that are beneficial to entrepreneurs, including business people in the property sector.

So far, the government has made regulations on derivative work in a transparent manner. In that sense, the majority of the 44 RPP and RperPres can be read on the official website. Even the community may also provide input, so that the derivative rules are truly useful. So that the government really listens to the voice of the people, including those engaged in the property sector.

In the Job Creation Law, there are facilities in the form of legality. In this law, bureaucratic convenience is breathed out, because licensing is no longer as trivial as it used to be. Business permits, including property business, can be done via online or offline, aka coming to the Dinas as usual. But in the midst of a pandemic, it is safer to manage via online.

The business licensing process is also fast, a maximum of 7 working days has been completed. Licensing through this online channel also minimizes the possibility of corruption by individuals, because they cannot ask for facilitation payments. So that property entrepreneurs will get permits quickly, without breaking the rules.

The inauguration of the derivative regulations of the Work Creation Law is planned to be carried out in February 2021. It is hoped that these 44 PP and Perpres will make people’s lives better. Including property entrepreneurs. Changing the rules in the home trading sector, etc. will make it easier for them to do business, and be able to rise again in the midst of a pandemic.

Even though the pandemic is not over, property entrepreneurs are still struggling. They, represented by REI, provide input to the government so that the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law are made easier. So that the process of selling property is faster, and they can survive in business.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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