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Maintaining Good Habits through Adaptation of New Habits by Staying Disciplined in Health Protocols


By: Siska Amelia (Chair of the Bandung City Regional Literacy Movement)

The adaptation of new habits is actually an effort to maintain good habits that are the protocol for Covid-19. For this reason, the habit of wearing masks, avoiding crowds, maintaining distance, and frequently washing hands with soap have become new habits in community life. However, not all of them can do something like that.

Some people still tend to ignore the dangers of Covid-19, which has claimed many victims. The public’s lack of understanding about the importance of implementing health protocols is one factor in this neglectful attitude.

The increase in victims of the Covid-19 pandemic is also related to the difficulty of getting used to a clean and orderly life like the protocol. The inability to live with a new style is also triggered by a number of things.

First, people’s unpreparedness changes behavior with a new atmosphere. Second, the encouragement of economic needs, as well as ignorance caused by the educational factors possessed by a number of community members.

It is not surprising that in the face of Covid-19, various attitudes and perceptions have developed with different understandings. This condition is what makes it difficult to tackle a pandemic that does not yet have a vaccine through the application of good health protocols which is an effective way to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

Cohesiveness and synergy are important assets to enter into a life of adaptation to new habits so that citizens do not perceive them as abnormal attitudes. The ability to build new habits becomes the starting point for building a new socio-economic life.

Through the synergy of the government and society, people’s behavior can be well guided to avoid a fancy Indonesia like developing on social media so that this pandemic will end soon. Let us fight together against the spread of Covid-19 by making the Era of Adaptation to New Habits a success while still building productivity but still being disciplined in implementing health protocols.

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