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Media Literacy Efforts to Succeed National Development for the Next 5 Years for the Progress of the Nation


By: Abimanyu Pradipta )*

The role of media literacy in realizing the success of national development in the next 5 years for the progress of the nation is really needed. Given the digital world now can not be separated from human life.

Do not dismiss the increasing world of the digital that shot with the times. Social media is considered quite capable as news anchor in detail and wide needed by the community. Whatever content or content you want will appear automatically. It’s just that, sometimes fears of hoax and irresponsible news often attack. So that behaving wisely in using digital access needs to be implemented.

The media is also considered capable of being a state mediator in the success of development in the next 5 years for the progress of the nation. Through many platforms, enabling content that smells of nationalism, builds and burns the morale to spread quickly. The reach of the digital world is considered to be strong enough to enter the bottom line of society.

However, what needs to be underlined is that the struggle is not always easy. There will be opposition parties who spread poison with false propaganda, hoax news (untrue) to real intimidation efforts. For most people, the spread of negative news like this does not feel influential so that users will spontaneously take actions like click and share. Without first checking the truth, this will automatically lead to fatal things.

Based on this fact, it is necessary to have an educational program to encourage the public to be more wise and alert in swallowing information and the dangers of propaganda of deviant or radical ideas. Furthermore, the public must also participate in posting positive content to foster an attitude of optimism towards a sense of unity and unity in an effort to ward off hoaxes and other negative propaganda in order to succeed national development towards a more advanced Indonesia.

In addition, support from citizens for the government’s priority steps in improving development is also needed. Although trivial, this support is able to make the country stronger and sure of treading the road to the welfare of its citizens. The government cannot run alone, so it needs the support of the residents they support.

A country will grow strong and large if all its people come together. How will it progress if it still puts forward each other’s selfishness. Such a country is criticized, a country so criticized. Even though the welfare presented by the government is intended for its citizens, right? So it feels unfair if we don’t just provide support, especially support for the progress of our beloved Nusantara.

The development of the media indeed feels so fast that it impacts on various joints of human life. In entering the era of globalization as it is today, educational institutions have roles and responsibilities to prepare and produce human resources who are able to face all the challenges of change that are around them.

Even the impact of globalization often results in free competition in the world of education and the workforce. This condition seems to demand a quality education system that is an education system that is able to provide human resources who have competitiveness in the face of global competition. Therefore education must be directed to be able to face all the challenges of the global world by utilizing technological advancements.

This education is an effort to build and improve the quality of human resources. Not denying that, education is realized is something that is quite crucial and fundamental for every individual. Therefore, educational activities cannot be underestimated.

Many technological developments offer convenience in providing information quickly to the public. Mass media and electronics both provide information to educate the public. This is in line with efforts from education to build and improve the quality of human resources in entering the era of increasingly fierce competition in the 4.0 era.

Furthermore, vigilance and the importance of behaving wisely in receiving all news need to be intensified. Therefore, efforts like this can minimize due to the spread of negative content which often suddenly attacks. Even though social media is a simple digital access, but the ability to present content needs special filters and attention. If not careful, it can damage the next generation of the nation. This concrete step can be started from ourselves, thus we will be able to contribute to cutting the negative content chain. Let’s use social media to implement efforts to realize Indonesia’s development progress.

)* The author is a social political observer

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