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National Hero’s Day Momentum of the Young Generation to Fight Radicalism


By: Abdul Kadir )*

Heroes’ Day is a momentum for the younger generation to fight radicalism. With this involvement, the potential for the spread of radicalism can be minimized.

What do you remember from Hero’s Day? It is usually celebrated with a parade, ceremony, or other ceremonial event. Hero’s Day is special because it reminds us of the courage and courage of the heroes in fighting the invaders and liberating Indonesia. It is natural for heroes to be visited at least once a year, as a form of respect.

However, it would be nice to change the commemoration of Hero’s Day so that it is not just ceremonial and friendly. On Hero’s Day there should be a direct movement carried out by the younger generation to fight radicalism. The reason is because radicalism has greatly disrupted order and peace in Indonesia.

Why should the younger generation? They are still young and strong, so they have a strong physique to fight radicalism. In addition, the younger generation tends to be more creative and uses their right brain to do everything, so the eradication of radicalism is carried out in an out of the box way but the results are still satisfactory.

The moment of Hero’s Day is very fitting to mobilize the younger generation in fighting radicalism, because they can turn into national heroes when fighting extremists and radicals. When radicalism still exists in Indonesia, it is dangerous because there can be bomb threats, destruction of public facilities, and other riots. Radicalism is a disease that millennial heroes must eradicate.

Radicalism is indeed increasingly troubling because they have not completely disappeared from Indonesia. When there are still radical groups, it is impossible for peace to occur in this country. They arbitrarily want to change the basis of the state and form a caliphate, even though it is not at all compatible with the pluralistic conditions of Indonesia.

Radicals carry out bombings and other criminal acts in order to achieve the ideals of khilafiyah. Why do they want to change state laws and regulations? In fact, since the Dutch and Japanese colonial times, the radicals have never helped at all during the war. Even when the constitution and Pancasila were formed, they were not there. It is very strange when you want to change what is not your right and authority.

Therefore, the radicals must be eradicated by the youth. First, teenagers and students can viral the anti-radicalism movement on social media, either through hashtags or upload photos in groups. When there is a movement like this, it will make many people aware of the dangers of radicalism, because there is a positive campaign on social media.

The second way is to report to the cyber police. Young people are usually very familiar with the internet, and when surfing they may see websites and social media accounts of radicals. By reporting to the cyber police, it will be seen and followed up, and traced to who is the mastermind behind the creation of the site. The cyber police also cooperate with Kominfo and Google, so that sites and social media accounts can be taken down.

While the third way is to eradicate hoaxes, in the form of fake news and images on the internet and in WA groups. Especially in family WA groups, where parents tend to believe news even though it has not been verified. If there are hoaxes intentionally made by radicals (who usually corner the government) then they can be rectified.

Radicalism is a chronic disease that must be treated, so as not to undermine the country from within. Young people can play a role in fighting radicalism. Especially at the moment of Hero’s Day on November 10th. They can be millennial heroes who speak out and eradicate radicalism.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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