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Obeying Prokes and Vaccination is the Key to Success in Controlling the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Dean Putri Rahayu

The Covid 19 pandemic is not over yet and the infectious and deadly virus is still all around us . For this reason, the public must always comply with the policies recommended by the government , especially regarding health protocols (Prokes) and participate in the vaccination program as the main key to success in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic . 

President Joko Widodo said that currently our country is experiencing a very tough test, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we invite all elements of the nation to join hands, close ranks, work hand in hand to make physical and spiritual efforts together to face the Covid-19 pandemic .

President Joko Widodo invited the public to immediately get vaccines while still complying with health protocols. These two things, namely vaccination and the application of health protocols or health protocols, are needed so that the Indonesian people can immediately end the Covid-19 pandemic.

In every policy issued by the government related to the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, support from all parties is needed so that it can be implemented properly. So that the Government and all elements of society need to continue to increase synergy to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, including through the Covid-19 vaccination program and disciplined health protocols .

One of the government’s strategies to anticipate Covid-19 is to seek the availability of vaccines and accelerate the Covid-19 vaccination program , so that more people are protected. The government also continues to strive for the availability of vaccines, both through multilateral and bilateral schemes, in order to meet the current stock and maintain the vaccination rate in accordance with the vaccine stock.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine KMK Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) for Cooperation, Alumni and Community Service, dr. Mei Neni Sitaresmi, Ph.D, Sp.A(K), said the use of vaccines can reduce the bad effects of viral infections because the body’s system already recognizes the virus. The hope is that when the body recognizes the virus, it will not cause severe symptoms and reduce the risk of death .

The public needs to understand that vaccines do not fully protect people from Covid-19. M eskipun has obtained an injection of doses of vaccine, each person h flow remain adhered health protocols in everyday life. V aksin indeed will make the body relatively more resistant to virus attacks, in this case Covid-19. However, it does not make a person immune to viral infections, can still be infected and even transmit. T etapi who had severe disease will be mild, mild pain people should be without symptoms.

All Indonesians are expected to follow various government policies related to handling Covid-19 as well as possible. Even though people have vaccinated against Covid-19, they must still apply the discipline of health protocols. Because, by vaccinating and implementing strict health protocols , more and more people will be protected from Covid- 19 . With this observance, it is hoped that the transmission of Covid-19 in the community can be suppressed immediately and the Covid-19 pandemic control program in the country is running successfully.

(Observer of social and social issues)

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