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Optimal Government Evaluation of PPKM


By: Zakaria )*

The government is optimal in evaluating the Policy for Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM ) . This policy evaluation was carried out to determine the effectiveness of PPKM in controlling the Covid- 19 pandemic .

PPKM level 4 is a program that was launched to deal with the Corona spike and people are getting used to staying at home, rather than traveling and being insulated and stuck in traffic for a long time. Everyone is sincere in living it because they want to be free of Corona soon . No wonder they obey every rule in PPKM level 4.

The duration of PPKM in Java and outside Java is different. If in Java this period is only until August 16 , then outside Java from August 10 to 23 , 2021. Why is it longer? The reason is because there has been a spike in Covid cases outside Java, while in Java and Bali it has actually decreased. So it is hoped that after PPKM, both in Java-Bali and other areas, the number of Covid patients will decrease .

For evaluation of PPKM outside Java-Bali, it is done every 2 weeks. The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, stated that the extension of the PPKM was based on the results of the evaluation in the previous period and seeing the reality on the ground. Some time ago, President Jokowi also called for a quick response based on the spike in new Corona cases outside Java-Bali.

For outside Java-Bali, it reached 46.5% of national cases. This figure is quite frightening because it reaches almost half of the total cases in Indonesia. So it must be suppressed, if possible to 0%, so that the pandemic will end quickly. The spike in cases outside Java-Bali certainly makes people dizzy for fear of mass deaths.

Moreover, conditions outside of Java and Bali are in the form of islands, so it is rather difficult to monitor carefully, due to the limitations of distance, time, and cost. However, the Covid Task Force team did not just give up and kept trying to monitor Covid cases there, as well as emphasizing 3T ( tracing, treatment, and testing ). So that it will remain under control and there will be no terrible spike in Corona cases .

PPKM evaluation is carried out every 2 weeks because it is to see how large the number of patients outside Java-Bali is. Why should there be an evaluation? The reason is because evaluation is very important, so that PPKM is 100% successful. So that there is no increase in the number of patients because the people there do not obey the rules while PPKM level 4 is enforced.

In addition, if there is an evaluation, it can be seen whether there are many violations or if all of them are in an orderly manner . Indeed, PPKM does not guarantee that everyone will be disciplined, but with insulation and various other rules, violations can be minimized. So that people will be aware and not repeat it again.

It is hoped that after the evaluation, this program will run better, either when it is extended or terminated. So that the handling of Corona will be more serious and the public will be auto orderly and obey the programs from the government.

The Covid Task Force team also cooperates with various parties, ranging from regional officials, officials, to civilians. So that PPKM runs smoothly and when there is an evaluation, the results will be good, because everyone is cooperative and obeys the rules. In addition, it is hoped that the evaluation results will improve because the number of Corona patients outside Java-Bali drops dramatically.

PPKM evaluation is carried out every 2 weeks for areas outside Java and Bali, because it is to monitor whether this program is really being carried out properly. In addition, it is hoped that after the PPKM Corona cases will really go down and will not rise again. So there is hope to end the pandemic as soon as possible.

)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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