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Our Community of Indonesian Farmers Supports And Hopes The G20 Summit Will Provide Solutions to the World of Agriculture


The Group of Twenty ( G20 ) meeting with the theme “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” will take place in Indonesia, and will culminate in mid-November 2022 where all the highest leaders of its members will be present in Nusa Dua, Bali .

This theme was raised by Indonesia, considering that the world is still under pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring a joint and inclusive effort, in finding a way out or a solution for world recovery.

The G20 itself is an international forum that focuses on policy coordination in the economic and development fields. The G20 represents the world’s economic and political power, with its members comprising 80% of the world’s GDP, 75% of global exports, and 60% of the global population.https://60c22d6f6918cad6060be8c03c4a7aec.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-39/html/container.html

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According to the Head of the Indonesian Farmers’ Agro Technology Innovation Community (KITA), Ir. Nyoman Baskara, MM, the meeting must also seriously discuss the threat of a food crisis.

According to the coordinator of the Agro Learning Center (ALC), at any time, if you don’t really “care” about the world of agriculture, the food crisis will be imminent. “Therefore, the issue of agriculture must be discussed at the G20 meeting .”

So when there is an international event in front of us, with environmental and economic dimensions, it absolutely gives us a privilege to discuss this agricultural sector.

Baskara said alignments should start from the basic benchmarks presented by the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), which suggested that there should be an alignment with the agricultural world. “In real terms, the FAO recommendation is 10% of a country’s state budget.”

What’s that big of a budget for? “There are many agendas to produce quality agriculture. Starting from research by experts, both as professionals and on campus. With intensive research, it is possible to emerge, finding products that can be implemented to produce superior seeds, better seed growth. , production quality and quantity is good.

And said Baskara, what is very important is that technological technology produced from agriculture will be able to answer the problem of climate change, which cannot be solved without the technology. “Technology cannot appear suddenly from the sky, it must go through repeated research. And it must be financed by the state, at least 10% of the state budget.”

When talking about education, you can decide why 20% is not in the food sector, said Baskara, “No food no life. No farmer no future. The sector that makes life or death must be the agricultural sector.”

If the threat of a food crisis is seriously discussed, there must be sanctions for countries that do not implement it. “Because of the tendency for the outcome of the MOU to end up being ceremonial and not ending in welfare.”

KITA (Community for Agro Technology Innovation) Indonesian Farmers is a farmer community that does not limit its membership to farmers, but also involves academics, professionals, government banks and the younger generation. The aim is that there is intense communication in the agricultural world to find macro and micro solutions, so that agricultural products become quality, farmers can optimize agricultural products and agricultural commodity traders can get better profits. “WE welcome the G20 Summit meeting and support it for success and hope that there will be a decision that supports the development of the agricultural sector, for that we are obliged in addition to supporting the success of the G20 Presisemsi.Indonesia also oversees that the issue of the agricultural world gets the best solution so that the food crisis can be handled more quickly and precisely, concluded Baskara.

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