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Papua’s Special Autonomy Fund is increased


By: Moses Waker) *
Special autonomy will be implemented in Papua for the second time. This program is highly anticipated by civilians in Bumi Cendrawasih, because special autonomy has been proven to prosper the community. Moreover, the special autonomy fund is certain to increase, so that more can be channeled, and even progress in Papua.
In 2021, there will be special autonomy volume 2. This program is a privilege for all Papuan people, because they receive special attention from the central government. There will be quite a lot of funds disbursed, to build infrastructure and other fields. Such as social, economic, education, health, and so on.
The Papuan people happily welcome the extension of the special autonomy, because they want the Earth of Cendrawasih to be more advanced. Moreover, the amount of the special autonomy fund this period will increase. The nominal amount of the special autonomy fund in 2021 until completion is 243.6 trillion rupiah. The special autonomy fund has doubled, because in the previous period it had budgeted IDR 101 trillion.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani stated that such a large special autonomy fund was reasonable, because it would be used for 20 years. In addition, in the last autonomy evaluation volume 1, there were still a number of regions that were lagging behind. So that in otsus volume 2 it will be boosted, so that there is equitable development in Papua and West Papua.
Meanwhile, President Jokowi stated that such a large special autonomy fund must be used optimally. So that people in Papua and West Papua will feel the benefits. After the funds are distributed, all community leaders and Papuans are allowed to discuss discussions, for the sake of the success of special autonomy volume 2.
The increase in the special autonomy fund was carried out for various reasons. First, within 20 years there will definitely be inflation, so that the prices of building materials and other goods needed to support the special autonomy will definitely rise. This increase is considered very reasonable. Especially in Papua, which is different from Java, and the prices of goods are relatively more expensive.
Second, special autonomy volume 2 will focus not only on infrastructure. But also in the field of education and others. For example, when there is a school building, the special autonomy funds will be distributed to the library. By adding a collection of books, encyclopedia, and facilities such as an LCD screen. It can also be added with free wifi for students and teachers, so they can look for references from the internet.
Third, the special autonomy fund will also be channeled to the health sector. Because so far there are still diseases that must be eradicated on the Earth of Cendrawasih, for example malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV. With the special autonomy fund, it will be made to buy medicines and supporting health facilities. The funds can also be used to create programs to prevent these diseases.
Fourth, the special autonomy fund has been allocated up to hundreds of billions, because the geographical area is more difficult. This was stated by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. In that sense, there are vast differences between Java and Papua. On Earth of Cendrawasih there are still virgin mountains. So that when it will be built, it must be tidied up first, and it will take a lot of money.
The surge in special autonomy funds volume 2 shows the government’s great concern for the Papuan people. They will get a much better life, because there will be more infrastructure development and other things on this Earth of Cendrawasih. In addition, it is certain that the special autonomy funds will be distributed evenly, from Jayapura, Manokwari, to Merauke.
The special autonomy fund is very beneficial for the Papuan people. Because they have enjoyed various facilities such as Trans Papua Road and Youtefa Bridge. The community welcomed the special autonomy volume 2, because the amount of the budget had doubled. So that there will be modernity that makes Papuans more advanced and smarter.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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