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People Don’t Sympathize Rizieq’s Lecture Spreads Hatred


By: Aditya Rahman )*

In cyberspace, a shocking video of Rizieq Shihab’s lecture is viral. He provoked the congregation to act cruelly, by reason of defending religion. The public became increasingly antipathy to Rizieq Shihab, because his lecture was filled with harsh words and full of provocation.

Rizieq Shihab is known as a controversial figure. As a mass organization leader, he used his popularity to rally congregations and lecture. But unfortunately he has never changed. The style of the lecture is very fiery, offensive to many parties, and uses a lot of profanity.

The style of his speech that did not change even though he had lived in Arabia was regrettable by many people. His departure to the land of the desert seemed to have made no mark. Because the words spoken in the lecture were never filtered out first. People became lazy to watch his lecture because he provoked many people to commit crimes.

Chairman of the PBNU KH Marsyudi Syuhud stated that when a kiai or ustaz conducts a religious lecture, it should not divide the people. Because his job is to invite people to a good direction. Instead of berating. If the content of the lecture is provocative and spreads hatred, there will be bad consequences.

KH Marsyudi Syuhud added, don’t let a lecture hurt the people, because the religious leaders should have their job to build the people. In the sense that a speaker should motivate him to do good. Instead of ordering and allowing crimes to be committed on the streets, for emotional reasons.

A religious leader like Rizieq Shihab should be aware that the content of his lectures will greatly affect his congregation. As the saying goes the teacher pees standing up, pupils pee running. So if he gave a speech with harsh diction, his congregation would imitate it in a much worse way. It’s very unfortunate.

Rizieq Shihab’s lecture is also very embarrassing because he uses harsh diction to refer to a woman who is prostitute. Even though there are other words to smooth it out, but he insists on using the harshest word. A person’s words match the contents of his head, so we can guess what the habib’s head actually is.

The community is also antipathy towards Rizieq Shihab for dividing the unity between religious communities. Instead of being soothing, it provoked and deliberately clashed between Muslims and people of other religions. He did it out of emotion with the case of the Prophet’s image in France.

Even though the situation in France is very different in Indonesia and cannot be generalized, because it is not apple to apple. The social situation of the people is very different, because there Muslims are a minority. In contrast to Indonesia. So when there is a case in France, it cannot be analogous to the condition of society in our country.

Although people in Indonesia consist of 6 religions, they live in harmony and peace. However, Rizieq Shihab deliberately waged war on the grounds of jihad. What is jihad for because Indonesia is already independent? The word jihad is no longer relevant today, where there is no war against the invaders.

If Rizieq Shihab supposedly asked for jihad, the people would be motivated to fight against laziness and poverty. Instead of being provoked to destroy peace and harmony between people in Indonesia. Because jihad is fighting something that is harmful. Instead of attacking others for personal grudges.

Just stop Rizieq Shihab’s lecture because he never wants to filter the contents of his mouth. A person who claims to be the Prophet’s descendant should have done and said kind words. also provide an example and coolness, and do not divide the unity of the people. However, he deliberately used harsh diction and provoked the congregation to act evil.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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