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People Must Obey Health Protocol To Prevent Covid-19 Transmission


By: Putu Prawira) *

The spread of corona is getting crazy. Indonesia has even become the country in Southeast Asia which has the highest number of co-19 patients. This condition makes us need discipline in complying with health protocols. Never take off the mask because the covid-19 virus can be transmitted through dirty air and the circulation is not smooth.

The number of patients infected with the covid-19 virus is increasing, even reaching nearly 2,000 people per day. At present, the total number of corona patients is more than 100,000. There are no more provinces in Indonesia that are free of corona. In Surabaya, even the status is no longer the red zone, but black. The reason is because there are very large numbers of 19 patients.

When the number of patients increases, unfortunately not followed by an increase in the number of people who adhere to health protocols. There are still many people who are lazy to wear masks or carelessly wear them, just to avoid being caught by officers who raid them. Crowds of people also appeared in the market and the rules of physical distancing seemed to be only history.

The rules of keeping distance are also violated by the public, especially those who hold parties. Even though the rules, a maximum of 30 people only invited (including families). But in reality there was a busy party, like before. They forget that now we are still in the co-19 pandemic and organizing events as they wish, just for the sake of prestige.

Violation of this health protocol is dangerous because it can form new clusters. If the immunity of people is good, it can not contract corona. But now many people without symptoms seem healthy but suddenly collapse. When examined by a doctor, it turns out he was infected with the covid-19 virus and had to be treated intensively in the hospital.

When there are new patients it will be complicated because there must be checks on all family members. They must be willing to take a swab test to be sure that it is not infected with the covid-19 virus. In addition, there is still the tracing alias search stage, the patient is in contact with anyone. Because people who have contact can be OTG status too.

Such incidents should be prevented if everyone adheres to the health protocols regulated by the government. Events such as thanksgiving and parties can be postponed or done online. Everyone must wear a mask. Don’t rely on the face shield because the corona virus can spread through the air, no longer via droplets like when the pandemic began.

Therefore, the government continues to promote the importance of health protocols. Covid-19 handling task force teams in Indonesia also often send text messages to remind residents to wear masks. President Joko Widodo also mentioned the obligation to obey the protocol, when he gave a speech or was interviewed by journalists.

MPR Deputy Chair Lestari Moerdijat stated that the public needed to be made aware of compliance with the health protocol. Socialization can be done in a creative way. For example through songs, live demonstrations, or others. So, when health protocols are broadcast creatively, it will be easier for people to remember and implement them.

If health protocols are socialized creatively and fun, children will easily remember them. They are a group that is easily infected with corona, so it must be introduced how to wash hands properly, if out of the house wearing a mask, and others. Instead they remind parents of the importance of wearing masks.

Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and we are still obliged to obey health protocols such as compulsory hand washing and wearing cloth masks. Don’t be careless and lazy to wear a mask, because now corona can be transmitted through the air. Moreover, health protocols are made so that we all survive the covid-19 virus transmission, so it must be lived in order to stay healthy.

) * Active writer in the Cikini Press Circle and Student

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