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Ponpes and Santri Circle Ready to Succeed the National Vaccination Program


By: Adiba Kinsasa) *

Soon we will undergo corona vaccinations. This nationally applicable program must be run by all Indonesian citizens, including students. They are willing to be vaccinated because they believe that the ingredients are safe and halal. The students are also ready to campaign for the success of national vaccination.

The first wave of corona vaccination has started since mid-January 2021. This program must run smoothly, so that everyone is healthy and. We certainly want to immediately be free from the confines of the pandemic and live safely, without fear of being infected with the Covid-19 virus. So that the only way is by vaccination.

But unfortunately on social media and the WA group, a hoax video has been circulating containing scenes of unconscious students, and the narrative contains news that they were right after being hit by the corona vaccine. Even though after being traced, the video was made in 2018, and the students were just exhausted after being vaccinated for diphtheria.

This hoax is very misleading, as if the vaccine is dangerous. Even though the students have been willing to be vaccinated and wait their turn patiently. Moreover, the new vaccine was given on January 13 to President Jokowi, then to medical personnel, and other Indonesian citizens. So it is impossible if there is a video circulating before the president is vaccinated.

Even though all students throughout Indonesia are ready to be vaccinated, because they are sure of its halalness. The halal status of the Sinovac vaccine has also been issued by the MUI, so it cannot be contested. This vaccine is halal because it does not contain pork gelatin or other substances that are haram. So that MUI guarantees its halalness and safety.

Vaccines for santri are very important because they live in lodges with a lot of students. So it is rather difficult to do physical distancing, even though everyone must wear a mask. In this condition, a vaccine is needed to prevent corona transmission, because who knows there is OTG in the cottage environment.

Imagine if there is no vaccine, the covid-19 virus will spread very quickly in 1 hut. It is possible to close and spray disinfectants, but the students who return to their hometowns can become OTGs, and infect their families at home. Then the corona chain of transmission will be even longer.

The students are willing to be vaccinated because it is a form of obedience to the government, and this is also taught by the kiai. This obedience is indeed required because by obedience, security, order and prosperity will be created. By obeying vaccines, besides obeying government recommendations, you will also make yourself healthy.

Santri who are vaccinated will be immune to corona and they cannot have OTG status, and infect other people. Vaccination is a way to cherish your own life and that of others, so that there is no more transmission of corona. The students are well educated and are not prone to hoaxes about the corona vaccine.

They understand that the corona vaccination has a similar process to other vaccinations, for example hepatitis or MMR. The process is only injected then the vaccine will work in the body, and strengthen immunity. With a note, when being injected, the santri’s body must be in good health, in the sense that there is no fever, flu, cough, and normal blood pressure and blood sugar.

Santri and all kiai also campaigned for the safety and halalness of the corona vaccine for the whole community. So that they increasingly believe that this vaccine will not be harmful. Because the pious santri already know that the Sinovac vaccine is halal by MUI, and the public believes in its halal status.

Corona vaccination among Islamic boarding schools is fully supported, both by students and kiai and ustadz. They understand that vaccination is the only way to prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus. So that everyone is healthy, corona free, and can end the pandemic as soon as possible.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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