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President Jokowi Refuses Some Substance of the Material for the Revision of the KPK Law


In a press conference, President Joko Widodo explained his attitude regarding the points agreed and rejected by Jokowi. At first Jokowi stressed that the revision of the KPK Law was a bill proposed by the DPR. The task of the government then is to respond by preparing the problem content list (DIM) and assigning the minister to carry out discussions / assessments.
But according to Jokowi, the KPK still needs revisions, although limited. He assured that the KPK would remain a central institution in fighting corruption and remained stronger than other institutions.
The former Surakarta mayor initially said things that were not approved of the KPK Law revision. There are 4 points raised.
Points not approved by Jokowi include:

  1. Jokowi did not agree if the KPK had to ask permission from an external party to conduct wiretapping, for example permission to court, so that the KPK simply requested an internal permit from the supervisory board to maintain confidentiality.
    He emphasized his disapproval of this point, because according to Jokowi, the KPK only needed to ask permission from the supervisory board.
  2. KPK investigators and investigators only come from the police and prosecutors. KPK investigators and investigators can also come from ASN elements, from KPK employees, or other agencies, of course, they must go through proper recruitment procedures.
  3. The KPK’s obligation to coordinate with the AGO in prosecution. Because the prosecution system is currently running well, so it doesn’t need to be changed anymore.
  4. Furthermore, Jokowi also did not agree on the issue of LHKPN management issued from the KPK, given to ministries or other institutions. Jokowi wants the LHKPN to be maintained by the KPK as it has done so far.
    Apart from all that, Jokowi stressed that the KPK must play a central role in eradicating corruption. The KPK according to Jokowi must also be the most powerful institution compared to other institutions.
    On the other hand, the government and the DPR rushed to discuss a number of revisions to the law at the end of the 2014-2019 DPR membership period.
    Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo held a meeting with the legislative body in mid-September 2019.
    During the meeting Yasonna said that the meeting was to coordinate government representatives with the DPR in discussing a number of revisions. He denied that a meeting was held to speed up the discussion of the revision.
    There are 3 Draft Bills discussed between Menkumham, Minister of Home Affairs and Indonesian Parliament to be discussed immediately. 3 The bill, namely, Revision of Law No. 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Revision of Law No. 2 of 2018 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD (MD3 Law). And the revision of Amendments to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Regulations and Regulations.
    The latest revision of the law allows the DPR to continue discussing revisions that have not been completed in the current period to the next, without starting from scratch.
    Meanwhile, President Jokowi expressed his opinion related to the polemic about whether or not the formation of a supervisory board for the KPK would be necessary. The former Jakarta Governor also feels the need for a supervisory board to oversee the anti-profit agency.
    He said, the supervisory board was indeed needed because all state institutions, the President, the Supreme Court, the Parliament worked in the principle of checks and balances.
    This is needed to minimize the potential for abuse of authority, so the existence of a supervisory board is a natural thing in the process of good governance according to Jokowi.
    In addition Jokowi also said the need for a supervisory board whose members were drawn from community leaders, academics or anti-corruption activists were not politicians, not bureaucrats or active law enforcement officers.
    Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said that the KPK bill was certainly needed, his party analogizing that in a democratic country there were no institutions like gods.
    He also added that the revision was an attempt by the government and the DPR to improve the KPK. So it is not legitimate.
    On the other hand, the DPR has passed the KPK Bill into law. This was done at the meeting held on September 17 last.
    However the government has tried to determine the draft law, because the KPK Law should have been revised by various studies.

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