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President’s Commitment to Make IKN a Modern City


President Joko Widodo’s great commitment to accelerate the development of the National Capital ( IKN ) as one of the modern cities in the world. There have been a lot of concrete actions that have been taken as well as efforts including discussing the development of IKN from many perspectives.

On one occasion, President Joko Widodo while attending the Nusantara Capital Market Survey ( IKN ) gave a detailed description along with some big ideas about IKN to figures and also businessmen. The construction of the IKN itself is in progress and is located in Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser (PPU), East Kalimantan.

It is undeniable that the development of IKN in Kalimantan takes a very long time. Even so, it turns out that Jokowi stated that at least on the commemoration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day or on 17 August 2024, the RI Proclamation Ceremony could be held directly at the IKN Palace .

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Even firmly, the seventh President of Indonesia stated that IKN would become a modern city and could be revived since the celebration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day. It seems that this goal is not impossible to achieve, because recently the construction of the State Palace in IKN has been very focused .https://ee5d305a16c1778b270f87d58748a6e4.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-39/html/container.html

For information, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) itself has started planning the construction of the State Palace in this area, the Central Government Administration (KIPP), IKN Indonesia in Sepaku District. The reason is that for now the auction process has indeed been completed, in which PT Waskita Karya (Persero) became the winner in the auction procession for the project.

Thus, it is possible that the words spoken by President Jokowi are not just a dream, with how the government’s efforts are really serious in developing IKN and trying to make it a modern city, it is not impossible that only in about two years Indonesia will experience incredible leap of civilization.

Then not a few also among the people who question how the continuation of the IKN development project which was initiated by the government of the era of President Jokowi after 2024. Because in that year, Jokowi himself had ended his term as President, including himself having also passed two periods of leadership in leading this nation.

Of course, this can actually be answered by how many government affairs will indeed be continued by the government for the next period if it is still not completely completed. So it is almost impossible if a development as big and serious as IKN is suddenly abandoned without being continued.

The reason is with the development of IKN , it is absolutely undeniable that the acceleration of development occurs even in all regions and also all sectors in Indonesia, especially in East Kalimantan itself. With the rapid development in all of these sectors, it will also have the effect of attracting a lot of interest from investors so that they invest in Indonesia, plus it will have an impact on the absorption of many workers and also improve the welfare of the community well.

In addition, the actual organizational structure of the IKN Authority itself is already in the inauguration stage of the head and deputy head of the IKN Authority , which were occupied by Bambang Susantono and Dhani Rahajoe with their second inauguration on March 10, 2022. According to the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, IKN will indeed take the form of a province but in it has specificities.

He mentioned how so far there are special areas in Indonesia such as DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Papua to Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Tito added that indeed all of these areas have their own characteristics.

This will also happen to IKN because it is led by the Head of the New Capital Authority and his task is to be able to build all infrastructure in IKN , including making comparisons of rationalization from the government and the local community so that it can become a vision and mission.

President Jokowi gave a very strong commitment and emphasized that there was absolutely no need to doubt the development of IKN . Because all of them already have a clear legal umbrella, namely with the existence of Law Number 3 of 2022. Even the ratification of the Law itself has been signed by around 93 percent of the DPR faction so there is no need to doubt how the future of the IKN development will continue.

The seriousness of the government can also be seen from how the IKN development has indeed been discussed very carefully because it involves many parties and experts. On September 12, 2022, President Jokowi has also specially summoned Prof. Yusril Ihza Mahendra. The summons of the constitutional law expert is still related to the acceleration of IKN development from a legal perspective.

According to Jokowi, the legal side is also very important because IKN development does not only require APBN funds, but also really needs assistance from the private sector so that there must be a legal aspect that guarantees and allows this to happen.

IKN development will really continue to be pursued and able to become one of the modern cities in the world. Even the strong commitment of the government itself is also very much shown by its various kinds of direct actions to really encourage the acceleration of IKN development .

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