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RKUHP Receives Support from Various Elements of Society


By: Deka Prawira)*

The Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) received support from various parties. They agreed to this bill because it would change the face of Indonesia for the better because the criminal law would be enforced firmly and fairly.

The RKUHP will soon be ratified by the government and the process of making it has taken years, because there are hundreds of articles in the old version of the Criminal Code that have been revised and added. Various articles in the RKUHP are made for the benefit of the community. They will be spared from crime and various other bad rights, because there is a proper punishment for each perpetrator of a criminal crime.

The existence of the RKUHP has the full support of various elements of society. Ustad Ikhsan Abdullah, Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council for Law and Human Rights, stated that he supports the RKUHP, especially the article prohibiting adultery and cohabitation. MUI emphasizes that freedom should not violate signs and laws.

Ustad Ikhsan added that human rights must be respected. However, it must return that humans are dignified and they must submit to the rules that apply in Indonesia. These rules and consensus are made to build a good human civilization.

In a sense, no one should be forced to live  together  on the grounds of freedom and refuse the prohibition because they feel that their rights have been violated. This immoral act clearly violates state law because there is no legal marriage bond, and clearly violates religious law because of adultery. The perpetrators will be subject to articles in the RKUHP and get a deterrent effect because they must be imprisoned for 1 year in prison.

Indonesia is a democratic country and has strong eastern customs, and is not a liberal country with excessive freedom. Don’t let Indonesia become liberal and be prevented by the RKUHP. If the RKUHP has been passed then there is no gap for adultery and other immoral acts.

Do not let anyone be desperate to live in the same house or room with an unofficial partner because it will cause various social problems. For example, a child who does not receive a lineage from his father because he does not have a birth certificate, and is difficult to take care of because there is no marriage book. The RKUHP will prevent this kind of social chaos.

Meanwhile, Guntur Arisastra, Director of the Legal Aid Institute for the Executive Board of the Indonesian Muslim Student Union also supports the RKUHP, because this bill strongly opposes LGBT in Indonesia. The RKUHP must be ratified immediately because LGBT perpetrators will receive serious punishment. According to him, LGBT is a criminal act that must be faced by the government very seriously.

Guntur continued, the punishment of LGBT perpetrators is the government’s way of maintaining the nation’s morale. In a sense, don’t let the morale of the country be destroyed because many men are dating men and vice versa. This very immoral act can cause Indonesia to become chaotic because it destroys the order in society, and drags society into a liberal and barbaric state.

Indonesia should not be turned into a liberal country by LGBT actors and they should not turn people who adhere to eastern customs into freedom worshippers. It has been proven that unlimited freedom leads to destruction. However, LGBT actors feel angry that their rights have been taken away, even though they have violated state and religious laws.

In the RKUHP, it is stated that LGBT perpetrators can be sentenced to 1 year and 6 months. This punishment is expected to be a deterrent effect and make many people repent of abnormal behavior. The RKUHP really maintains people’s morals.

Prisons await not only those who are caught being LGBT perpetrators, but also to show them in public. For example on social media or Youtube channels. They have no more shame and try to normalize LGBT and it is very dangerous because abnormal things should not be taken for granted. Especially if imitated by a young child.

The punishment for LGBT perpetrators in the RKUHP is considered very reasonable because the activities of LGBT actors are very aggressive and seek prey, aka normal ones are invited to become abnormal. Indonesia can fall apart if its people become a ‘rainbow’ aka pro LGBT. Moreover, there is the threat of diseases such as AIDS and diseases that attack women’s or men’s vital organs, because their activities are very restrictive.

It is natural that many parties support the RKUHP because this bill protects the public from various harmful criminal acts. Among them are adultery and LGBT. The RKUHP severely punishes those who commit immoral acts and can destroy Indonesia. Don’t think that the government is cruel because the RKUHP is maintaining the normal order of society.

The RKUHP must immediately be ratified into a new version of the Criminal Code, because the old one is no longer relevant to people’s lives. If the RKUHP is passed, the perpetrators of crimes such as adultery, rape, and LGBT, will be easier to catch. They no longer only receive social punishment, because they will be exposed to articles in the RKUHP.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute 

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